When pulling I always liked a bit faster shots even if I tried a lot slayer type shots, bloom shots (not only on decent, I also owned 3 machines with ito prior to decent, basically it does the same thing as the decent you build profiles based on flow or pressure) I also owned 3 way valve modded gaggias that you add a needle valve on one circuit of the 3 way and you preinfuse with the needle valve set at low flow and then comute the valve to the normal pump flow (basically a cheap slayer copy-cat).
When pulling longer shots (time wise) I would get some sweetness sometimes, more texture? but the high notes, acidity, florals always down. It might have to do with the high temps killing the flavors if you go for too long. Maybe there is a relation between the paragon/frozen balls espresso and the faster pulling shots like 25-27 sec max (instead of 45-60sec max).
I always found that if managed to extract enough the 22-25 sec shots always better/more vivid/more complex, acidic and vibrant compared to the long 45 sec. The long shots made sense for me only with much more developed beans. There is no complexity, acidity, florals in a med-dark roast, and there is little to none in city roasts too. So maybe for those you might want the slower timed shots.
Saka was good in 20g in -25-28 g out in 35-45 sec, while Gardelli filter roast was horrible in 45 sec (1-2 ratio) but much better in 27 sec.