MediumRoastSteam If it does all it claims and can really roast 225g, might be an interesting product. All in it would be almost $1170 or close to £1000 Concerns would be:

  • Cleaning and maintenance, how is this done how often would it need to be done (especially any smoke suppression system,7 filters, sounds like you may have to replace them regularly)? Hoe hard is the chamber etc.. to clean
  • What’s the app like, I searched on google play store, but it’s not there
  • They push the subscriptions hard, but it seems you are not forced to buy them…unless the application requires scanning of a QR code or something on the coffee (I don’t believe so)
  • Maintenance and warranty Support
  • Most products are made for 230V for us as we pretend to be a 230V country when in fact we are 240V will this roaster work OK on 240V or not, as Genesis found out with the Gene Café.

    They had me at “hyper fresh”.

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    DavecUK we pretend to be a 230V country when in fact we are 240V w

    Well, the pretence must run pretty deep, as the median voltage is currently 232v in the UK. If you’re beyond a power stations direct catchment outside of peak hours then you may even be below 230v, but if it’s 0850 on a weekday morning and you happen to live over the road form a gas powered station, you’re possibly getting 250v~.

    I recently did some voltage/usage logging for a plastics factory and they had a swing of about 18v (I seem to remember). They are now forking out tens of thousands of pounds on voltage optimisers.

    My PV grid monitor has had a variance of 11v today.

    Some parts of the grid use capacitor banks to try and keep voltage more consistent.

    A 5% voltage variance on a heating element is at worst, negligible, unless it’s a highly precise heater it’ll vary in terms of output based on the added resistance while under load.

    But anyway, subscription services are, in my opinion rarely good value!

      Del_UK Well, the pretence must run pretty deep, as the median voltage is currently 232v in the UK. If you’re beyond a power stations direct catchment outside of peak hours then you may even be below 230v, but if it’s 0850 on a weekday morning and you happen to live over the road form a gas powered station, you’re possibly getting 250v~.

      • When we said we harmonised to 230V, nothing changed then or in the future except for the allowable voltage variance. We were a nominal 240V country before and we effectively still are.
      • Lack of investment in all privatised utilities means sag during periods of heavy load, this is pretty much all down to substations and lack of upgrading when new houses/factories are built. When this house was built along with a lot of other new build in the area, we rarely got more than 232V and sometimes down to 226V, plus regular power cuts ever few weeks. Finally they upgraded the transformers in the local substation. Now a Rock solid 238 to 240 all the time.

      Del_UK A 5% voltage variance on a heating element is at worst, negligible, unless it’s a highly precise heater it’ll vary in terms of output based on the added resistance while under load.

      There is a difference in temperature and there might be an effect on airflow, this can make things very bad, as it did for the Gene Cafe. I had to ask genesis to rework the heating element for UK, hence there was an actual element built for 240V.