Well this…but not for the reasons you might think.

My grr, is that with the guy being off his gourd and full of fertilizer….WHY does anyone still buy his machines?
They are super expensive considering the basic tech and actual build cost, because of the commercial model adopted (not built by him, but by Fracino, who also ship them),….while he spouts bile and nonsense from the other side of the planet.
he didn’t like LH review, which I thought was quite kind to the machine, went on a rant and later added me into it, especially as I don’t trash Londinium threads on HB (their mods would never let me do that)…just nuts, absolutely nuts? I believe he added me into it, because the ACS Evo, Vostok and Nurri are seriously affecting his business.
This negative effect is something he bought upon himself when one of his own associates at the time (who made a little bit of money from Londiniums), tried to destroy my online presence on another forum, which irked me a little. My constructive way of dealing with that was not to rant, but push ACS to finally make the Evo and help them on that journey (for absolutely free). He has only one person to blame and it’s not me…he should look to his good mate in the UK. Especially as I was at the time about to leave the online coffee world in 2019 and just carry on quietly at home….but the final trolling made me reconsider…what a good job I did!
I know I say always play the ball not the man….but in this case the man is not only the face of his company, but the owner, where your warranty resides and any help on his closed forum. God help any owners that get on the wrong side of him…
P.S. OK, In a way he is right I do get a benefit in kind, the sheer pleasure of helping ACS (for free) to produce a much superior machine, at a fair price. Of course I will get even more pleasure in future from now on.