Sad to hear, but not too surprised. My Elizabeth only had a small problem with steam wand with a slight deform teflon tube clogged one hole. Took me long enough to fix it. Lelit almost hit a home run with Elizabeth but they also seem to have made some bad decisions and used cheap parts where it is more likely to fail, like the steam valve.

For Americano I just use the kettle. Way faster and easier. I do draw the hot water from the steam boiler but only to warm up cups

    drdre89 or even better, a Elizabeth X with more radical changes.

    Lelit has been raising the prices but not their machines’ build quality. Can’t say I’m happy with that (I am still fond of them of course)

    • Hot water tap that drains the service/steam boiler rather than mixing water with the brew boiler;
    • Better, nicer looking steam knob;
    • Better, nicer looking portafilter handle;
    • Slightly longer drip tray (maybe 1cm), so that the steam wand can rest over the tray, rather than the edge of the tray;
    • Nice to have: Volumetric rather than timed shots (I find timed shots useless);
    • Smarter express heat up time: Let the users turn that on/off in advanced settings, and, if steam is on, energise the steam boiler only when the brew boiler has reached the upper temperature. This way the machine does not need to share the current with both boilers, as the brew boiler will be off as it cools down from 130C. I have done this myself and one can then accelerate the heat up time by approx 4 or 5 minutes (i.e.: same as if only the brew boiler is on).
    • Would be good to be able to turn both boilers on/off individually, for those days where you just want to steam milk for a hot chocolate, or maybe coffee comes from another machine.

    delta76 stainless steel on both boilers.

    Don’t forget the group is brass, and that the boiler is mounted directly on top of the group. Could there be a galvanic reaction risk?

      MediumRoastSteam I have no idea, I had no problem with the brass boiler, but if I can choose, I’d pick stainless boiler any day.

      Maybe not possible to do for the reason you mentioned

      delta76 . Took me long enough to fix it. Lelit almost hit a home run with Elizabeth but they also seem to have made some bad decisions and used cheap parts where it is more likely to fail, like the steam valve.

      I never liked the valve that much, especially the knob (and told Lelit so), I actually thought a Toggle valve would be much easier, or if they wanted to keep the clean lines simply use a solenoid controlled valve.

      There was a reason at the time they were suck using that knob and valve, but honestly…the time has come to change it.

      MediumRoastSteam Don’t forget the group is brass, and that the boiler is mounted directly on top of the group. Could there be a galvanic reaction risk?

      no, because the join is dry….galvanic reaction with steel and brass is only really an issue where they join in the presence of water between that join e.g. a screw thread

        In wonder if these issues preventing long-standing stockers of this machine continuing to sell it are related to changes that have come into the product manufacturing process since the acquisition a year or so ago.

        Seems a little coincidental timing wise

          dutchy101 In wonder if these issues preventing long-standing stockers of this machine continuing to sell it are related to changes that have come into the product manufacturing process since the acquisition a year or so ago.

          Seems a little coincidental timing wise

          There are some new things coming from Lelit, at Host they did mention that they wanted to send me some prototype machines to look at soon.

            I agree about the steam valve. But, the machine is otherwise so good. I think the build quality is just fine. I have opened the case many times for various reasons, and it really looks well done to me. And regarding the steam valve, this is really only an issue if you leave the machine on most of the day, which I do. But honestly, the machine has been such a performer.

              dndrich And regarding the steam valve, this is really only an issue if you leave the machine on most of the day, which I do

              You should really turn the steam /service boiler off when not using it.

                DavecUK - I wonder if

                dutchy101 these issues preventing long-standing stockers of this machine continuing to sell it are related to changes that have come into the product manufacturing process since the acquisition a year or so ago.

                Is a comment related to the fact stockers like Bella Barista are no longer carrying the Elizabeth or the MaraX, only the Bianca. If memory doesn’t fail me, there was a post in his forum about this being the reason they were not stocking it - that they need to buy those machines in a much bigger quantity than what they were buying. But the reason has recently has changed to the high rate of defect on those machines, which I struggle to believe if I’m honest.

                MediumRoastSteam are you me? I have the same wife. “I can just drink instant”. “i drank coffee at the office and it tasted good”

                Since I obtained Zero I have made her coffee with the worse beans. (still specialty with quite high SCA cupping score, it just the roaster did not do a good job)