The adventure continues ! As I recently sold my first roaster a last minute change of heart and ordered the above. Very happy with initial results! Added Arduino board to allow control with Artisan (need to tidy up the cabling) and tested today with a washed anerobic Honduran. Slightly small just over 200g batch for this roaster but have 2 bags left with 200 odd grams left so went a bit too quick I think.

4 months later


What’s the max batch size on this? And are you venting it outside?

I’m keen to find another electric roaster with portable ventilation as the Ikawa, although excellent, (surprise surprise) isn’t ideal for roasting the 500-750g a week we get through.

La Marzocco Linea Mini - Mazzer Philos

Ikawa Roaster

    HarveyMushman Sorry, how does the Ikawa have portable ventilation? It exhausts into whatever space you & it are in. It may be low in visible smoke, but there’s no ventilation strategy per se, beyond where you place it (outside, extraction hood that feeds to the outside).


    Maybe I could’ve worded better but I wasn’t saying the Ikawa had any ventilation, rather I’m looking for another electric roaster and one that has portable ventilation.

    As in, I want to get another electric roaster that isn’t the Ikawa, and one of my criteria is that it can be ventilated in a way that doesn’t require any permanently fixed hoses/fans.

    La Marzocco Linea Mini - Mazzer Philos

    Ikawa Roaster

    One of the reasons why I changed the roaster was I wanted larger capacity. It’s rated for 500g but perfectly 375g.
    I’m roasting around 330g per batch as tend to buy 1kg bags.

    I roaster under the cooked hood but there’s fair bit of smoke around 1st crack and when you drop so you can’t avoid some in the room. I have now moved to a spare bedroom and vent through a window which is ajar. Much better this way and can get through winter months.


      Nice, thanks, that batch size sounds ideal. I’ve been looking for something smaller than 1kg but large enough to comfortably get a 250-300g yield in one roast.

      I was planning to route a vent hose out through the door while roasting in the motorbike shed I just built but I’d want to easily store the roaster away when not in use which is another reason some of the larger units aren’t suitable.

      What’s the warmup/cooldown time like? Again a stumbling block on larger roasters as there’s often significant time needed either side of roasting that means a 12 minute roast turns into a 1h+ endeavour.

      La Marzocco Linea Mini - Mazzer Philos

      Ikawa Roaster

        HarveyMushman same reasoning here as was size and weight conscious. This seems to fit both.
        In order to connect to artisan etc you need add arduino board etc but it’s a very straight forward task.

        Warm up takes about 5-7 minutes and I tend to do it whilst weighing coffee etc. Cool down to 60c takes about 10 minutes.

        Not sure where are you based but it near Corby you’re welcome to come over and try mine before deciding to buy.


          Sounds brilliant. I’m in the Cotswolds but have family in Uppingham so often passing near your neck of the woods so will give you a shout next time I’m there. Thanks!

          La Marzocco Linea Mini - Mazzer Philos

          Ikawa Roaster