Blimey, I did not expect this thread to get so intense, but thinking about it, I should have realised, like real petrol heads who can argue… sorry ‘discuss’ the minutia of car’s engines and power trains and what is better than what, those who deep dive into coffee and the machinery and technique for producing it, would be those who have, shall we say the most ‘strident’ opinions.
I on the other hand, who as I have said on multiple occasions, have no idea what I am doing or what I can taste, with what I think is the palate of someone with a permanently blocked up nose, look at it like this…
As a kid I hated sprouts, but as an adult I love them. Since going on my major weight loss, part of which was drastically reducing my intake of biscuits, chocolate, desserts (puddings in our house) in fact all sweet stuff, I now find that on the occasion when I do eat those things which I loved (I could never have one or two biccys with my cuppa, but at least half a packet) I can no longer enjoy as much, simply because I now find the sweetness too overpowering. So, given those two examples, over the years has my palate been trained or just changed with age and lifestyle choice? Now the only thing my palate has not changed with over time, and yes I have tried to ‘encourage’ it for want of a better phrase, is with the taste of Fish or any water born creature. I have tried all sorts, from many different places, and still find the smell and taste quite disgusting. I can never see me being able to ‘train’ my palate to like it, if only because I would probably have to go through putting many pieces of fish in my mouth and retching before I got to that stage.
Furthermore, I know what bitter taste is, I know what sweet taste is, I know what sour taste is. But ask me to identify many of the additional flavour descriptions offered by coffee roasters, and you might as well ask me to tell the difference between a real diamond and cubic zirconium. I know what caramel, chocolate, mandarin, apple, berry etc tastes like too, but have I ever been able to get even a hint of those from coffee… Nope, just a nice tasting brew; and I am happy with that, because that way I will hopefully never be disappointed chasing that rainbow and just enjoy looking at it.