I was buying a new tamper recently as I thought a levelling one would be worth a go and in the process thought I’d give WDT another go.

I found an old WDT tool I had in the cupboard which had 5 quite thick needles fixed on. I tried it and got worse channeling than without.

I then ordered one which had 6 needles but 0.3 thickness.

I’ve tried various techniques from little swirls to raking back and forth and I’m getting channeling every time.

I must say it hasn’t done much to ease my cynicism/scepticism about how useful it is.

I tried a shot without, just using the levelling tamper and it was fine, no channelling.

No discernible difference in the cup.

What am I doing wrong?

La Marzocco Linea Mini - Mazzer Philos

Ikawa Roaster

    I think there are too many variables to say for certain and to say whether WDT is necessary and/or works. Some grinders will grind nicely straight into a PF and not need anything beyond a slight tap to settle and then tamp. Using a dosing cup almost certainly means the coffee won’t end up in an ideally uniform manner in the PF which is where WDT can help to distribute the coffee in a slightly more gentle way than a finger.
    Personally I use WDT to help roughly level the coffee before tamping, I don’t swirl around the entire bed of coffee multiple times and at different depths.


    I do not wdt with the philos or the Max. Just not necessary.

    If theres no clumps to even out then why bother.

    Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

    About Me

    Yeah I’ve tried all manner of methods and I really can’t seem to see any improvement.

    I’ve used a dosing cup/funnel for most grinders I’ve had even before the Philos so have a pretty established ‘tap the PF on the counter and tamp’ workflow but I thought I’d at least give WDT a good go given how many people seem to include it in their process.

    @Adrianmsmith i think you’re right, the Philos grinds clump free so perhaps there’s just no benefit to WDT and is actually making it worse.

    La Marzocco Linea Mini - Mazzer Philos

    Ikawa Roaster

    Try using the Spirograph WDT tool for consistency. Too many variables otherwise. The duration of WDT also matters. As mentioned above, not all grinders and beans benefit from WDT.

      HarveyMushman where you standing on one leg or chanting? If not thats probably why

      Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -


      I thought id heard it all, darent ask what you’ve been watching on YouTube 🤭😭

      I do agree not all grinders require wdt!!

      Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

      About Me

      • Emc2 replied to this.

        Adrianmsmith it’s from personal experience. It makes perfect sense that a Spirograph is the most consistent tool. I’m sure i am not the only person that finds them useful.

        The 3d printed ones are fairly cheap as well. In my experience it improves extraction both subjectively and objectively (in terms of EY) when grinds are clumpy as compared to using needles.

        I can see the grinders you use are high end. Not surprised that you don’t need to do anything else to improve extraction.

        Imo all coffee channels, i moved to spouted pf to save on clean up, esp when im pulling turbos

        Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

        Regarding YouTube videos, this is probably the most scientifically robust video I have watched 😊

          Yep, WDT tool is back in the cupboard for a few years until the next time I need to remember how pointless it is.

          La Marzocco Linea Mini - Mazzer Philos

          Ikawa Roaster

            I had the same issue with WDT when using a needle type and was barely hit more than miss but saw this come up and thought I’d give it a go and got to say 95% of the time I’ll get an even extraction.

            Emc2 Thx for the great video.

            Take aways:

            • Does matter
            • Affects the flow rates
            • Variability of extraction is higher without WDT.