Hey everyone!

Glad I discovered this forum since it already provided a lot of useful information!!

I currently have a Oscar II and I’m actively looking to upgrade. Hoping to discover lots of new coffees varieties since to me this is the fun part of drinking coffee: discovering new taste be surprised by something new once in a while. I’m newly into low roasted coffee and now starting to really appreciate it.

Yeah good recommendation Dave

Couple of little things that could be improved ie Puck sticking to Group Head and Steam Handle but for the price what an outstanding machine, luckily I haven’t experienced the slight problem that other people have experienced with pressure mine sits at 9 bar every shot

    SouthMark45 - the sticky puck depends of many factors. The best way to mitigate it is by wielding the portafilter after you unlock it, or as you unlock it apply a very gentle downward pressure.


      MediumRoastSteam cheers medium, I am using a puck screen at the moment which has stopped the issue completely

      It’s a great machine and haven’t even played with bloom infusion yet as I’m just getting used to things, the niche is also an excellent grinder

      I’m going through a lot of beans at the moment as I have 3 chief testers in the house 😀

      Hi All. I have been using a fully automatic Saeco for five years and want to progress to better espresso. I am currently considering between the ACS Vesuvious Evo Leva and the new Nurri L Type Leva. Not too much info about the Nurri available yet, so hoping someone with experience with both can give me some advise as to advantages of each.



        Welcome to the ‘dark/lunatic side’
        As someone who also jumped from a fully automated machines (Gaggia Titanium and Delonghi Magnifica) to a Vesuvius Evo Leva, you’re in for a very nice ride whether you go for it or the -still unknown- Nurri Leva.., Once you’ve made the switch, it will be very hard to return to your fully automatic machine. You’ll also find that tuning a big lever machine, especially with a single dose grinder, is much easier, as is steaming.

        Make sure you do get a good grinder (I have a Niche Zero which I’m happy with) and find a way to get good water (Descaling is best avoided with the double boiler machines you’re considering)…

          Eiffel Thanks, I picked upa DF64 grinder yesterday and am testing it out with V60 today. So far very impressed with grind quality, however not like I know much about that, just looks very consistent to me. I also tried to align the burrs right away so hopefully that helps also. I am using bottled water exclusively since I am in Indonesia and tap water is not potable nor clean. I’ll have to look into the details of the bottled water, but have been using it for five years with the Saeco with no issue, but I do regular descaling if it needs it or not.

          Alexvs Thats the way I work. Still does not know how much I spent on the Niche (Nothing compared to a leva though). As a non-coffee drinker, she don’t understand

          As an aside, where have all the people gone? I was on Coffee Forums and that’s tumbleweed now. I’m checking in here and on ***********, but both are very quiet boards too. Have people given up posting as much, or are they scattered across many sites?

            No. Just like you…they’ve just discovered the bestest most friendly site without ads and all the corporate owned sh*te…..COFFEETIME!

            Hi All, been a long time lurker across various forums but thought I’d take the plunge and join this one!

            I currently have a Sage Barista Express that I was happy with (ignorance is bliss) until I could not replicate the coffee I was served in a cafe! I know shock, I was using the same beans and began googling and down the rabbit hole I went.

            I have since bought a niche grinder, waiting for my Skuma RO machine and then I will either get the ACS Minima or Rancilio Silvia Pro X. Although I’m getting impatient and don’t think I can wait till June for the skuma :(

            I have actually just bought a 2011 Gaggia Classic today to take apart and mess with! Although I may need help with it at some point haha.

            Anyway glad to be here and hi from sunny West Yorkshire!

              DavecUK Thank you, as far as I am aware it is. They haven’t mentioned any delays. They sent an update email yesterday saying there final design has just been finalised.


              Very similar to me. Although I took the plunge wirh the Minima last month and I’m using a zero water jug whilst I await my Skuma.

              DavecUK according to their last mailout they’re still on track for June delivery

                dutchy101 Congrats! How are you finding the Minima? I was looking at the zero water jug but the filters seem very expensive, not sure how long they last though.