I went to Osmio and asked for any graded prices - I got an A grade for £100 less than a new one and it was in perfect condition I’m guessing unused return with new filters.

They also sold B and C grade products for £250 and £150 respectively

We love ours and use it for everything and we’ve got rid of our kettle

    MediumRoastSteam that’s very interesting, I hadn’t even considered water distillation, guessing you need to remineralise the water as you would with RO water before consuming? Will have a look into this thank you!

      Uncletits yeah that’s good to know and a worthy saving, thinking it might be more the ongoing costs with this but not ruling anything out yet, thank you

        MediumRoastSteam If you plan to use for your coffee machine exclusively, also bear in mind on the frequency of the filter change. For Brita Jugs, they advise changing the filter every month at least due to bacterial build up. I tried to look up what the frequency should be for the ZeroWater but they don’t say.

        I use a brita filter (waiting to find an RO) and i change it every 3 weeks. They (the brita produttor) suggest a month but for safety I reduce the time.

        Mik3 I also chose to contact Osmio and they sold me a grade B which has 1 or 2 small marks I don’t even notice and cost £250 with new hard water filters that I specified. I previously had a Brita for my old machine but felt I needed to do better for the Minima. My water hardness is similar to yours and if I get 6 months or more from the filters it’ll be great but won’t change until I get the alert.

        I know £60 a filter change is on the high side but similar to the jugs over 6 months, or less for anything over 6 (I know Dave and another got 12 months with softer water). The big plus for me was being without all the fuss as I don’t add anything additional and happy with it.

          Alexvs that’s a very valid point, did you just email osmio customer service about the graded machines or are they advertised?

          you mean you don’t remineralise the water? Isn’t that not recommended because it’s “hungry water” results in the water absorbing vitamins from you? Or does the osmio have a remineralisation filter?

            Mik3 That absorbing vitamins thing is a silly myth… If you eat ANY food then it makes up for it. Maybe if you were fasting and only drank water for a week it might have a slight affect on you,

            Mik3 - I remineralise with either 100mg/L of Sodium Bicarbonate or Potassium Bicarbonate. Have been doing so for the past two years.

            Sham - Just check on eBay and go for something where the water only touches stainless steel rather than plastic. But even then that’s easily solvable by removing the spout and fitting a silicone hose to distil it directly into a bottle or any container.

            I bought mine second hand from Dave - it was in his garage gathering dust for years and years and it hasn’t missed a bit. It’s a very simple appliance and it will cost you around £70 or thereabouts on eBay or Amazon. There are more expensive versions of course.

            Something like this: https://www.vevor.co.uk/water-distiller-c_10700/4l-220v-stainless-steel-filter-pure-water-distiller-purifier-dental-home-travel-p_010920740092?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlp-93L7Z9gIVR7DtCh0pww7PEAQYASABEgJCdvD_BwE

            A lot have a carbon filter fitted at the spout. I never used it. I simply discard the first 300ml or so - apparently it contains Volatile Organic Compounds and should not be consumed unless you use one of the filters. Some distillers have a tiny hole in the condenser where those VOCs evaporate away anyway. Mine does. I never ever seen another distiller ever, so I’m clueless. :-)

            • Rob1 replied to this.

              LMSC Edit : I think @dutchy101 uses the Zero Jug.

              I do indeed. I have the 2.8l version, which I got from Lakeland for about £22 with a filter. I live in London with very hard water circa 300 TDS with the reader that came with the jug. When I check the water that comes out of my Britta filter in the fridge with the TDS reader it is 200. The zero water is literally zero and filters 30 - 35 litres of my London water before this changes. I have also tested this with GH and KH drop test kits, which confirm how well the zero water filter works.

              I bought the jug as a temporary measure whilst I await delivery of my Skuma RO water unit, which I am expecting delivery of in June, provided there are no delays to production. The latest update on the project states they are still on schedule for June delivery. With the water in London, I only use the zero jug for feeding my Minima.

                Mik3 I just emailed them and asked as I read on here they have them from time to time. I was also asking questions about having to remineralise and they said it’s unnecessary as they have the mineral cartridge as part of the filtration system which adds enough back.

                It’s our main drinking source now, however the Brita is occasionally used by the wife as she likes it for ease filling drinking bottles as we go through 4 or so a day, plus we have a couple of filters left to use.

                4 days later

                MediumRoastSteam A lot have a carbon filter fitted at the spout. I never used it. I simply discard the first 300ml or so - apparently it contains Volatile Organic Compounds and should not be consumed unless you use one of the filters. Some distillers have a tiny hole in the condenser where those VOCs evaporate away anyway. Mine does. I never ever seen another distiller ever, so I’m clueless. :-)

                I carefully open the distiller and pour it back in.

                5 days later

                dutchy101 I’m also plagued with London water and looking at a zero jug as temporary measure until softened and RO fitted.

                30l just into the Minima would last me a long time. How other so you replace the filter?

                I’ve had the machine 2 months now and I’ve filtered 15l of zero water on my 2nd filter since getting the machine (will be making up a further 5l today and this will leave me with 2 × 5l of water ready to use in the Minima).

                From memory I think the first filter made me 30 - 35l of zero water, but I am keeping tabs ths time around.

                I performed a service boiler drain at 6 weeks which drew out 1.4l. The alkalinity levels were a little on the high side in the water I tested after draining the service boiler (it had doubled), which I was a little perplexed by. I’m going to test the water again today after 2 weeks to see what the state of play is after 2 weeks

                  Thanks. That’s a lot of water in 2 months!

                  I’m thinking I use 5l a week So hoping I can leave the filter in for a few months. Looks like Zero say they don’t get bacterial growth like Brita can.

                    simonc That’s a lot of water in 2 months!

                    It seems like it, but a lot of the water is used for warming cups before shots, cleaning the group, which I do after each shot and backflusing every day etc. I also draw a cup of water for a cup of tea most days

                      dutchy101 Good point.. I am a bit tight with my water at the moment as its bought (although more plastic issue than cost) and I have a quooker so use that for warming cups, rinsing portafilter etc and tea. But yes I would probably run more if the water was more readily available and once have taste tested more espressos and got better dialled in I might start drinking some more long blacks, or even go back to an afternoon v60 with this water.

                      Yeah, when I consider that prior to buying the machine, I was using Tesco Ashbeck water which was £1.25 for 5l, a filter on the zero is probably costing me about double the price of the Ashbeck, but at the same time, I’m not using a filter in the machine as I was with the Bambino and the water I’m using will be better for the machine too.

                      In a couple more months, I should have my Skuma unit (provided it comes as per the delivery schedule), so the Zero was always a stop-gap which enabled me to get the machine I wanted when I wanted it. Put it this way, £12.50 wouldn’t get me 2 pints in the pub after work, so if it does me a month or so for water in my machine, which I use every day, it’s not too bad!

                        dutchy101 Do you mind me asking what swayed you to go with the Skuma and not the Osmio zero, It’s something that I have been looking at as an option.

                          I’m wondering on size and looking at the 2.8 jug Vs the larger squarer one with the tap. Either they are the same size and W,L,D are round the wrong way or the dimensions of the 4.7l don’t match the picture.

                          They appear to be not much difference in size, with the squarer one more efficient in its footprint. I’m tempted to go with that one as it will live in a cupboard and only used for this. But concerned if it turns out to be much bigger than I expect.

                          Any ideas?


                          Dimensions (L x W x H): 29.5 × 15 × 28 cm


                          Dimensions (L x W x H): 29.6 × 27 × 14.2 cm