LMSC Technology becomes obsolete quickly. The thing is renewables will mature, may be in the next 10 years.
Even if renewables become almost free….they cannot provide for energy needs 24×7 due to the inability to store sufficient power. There is nuclear, but people don’t want it…so they talk about fusion, but when is that going to be available 20-40-100 years.
Unfortunately nuclear was tainted by Chrenobyl, Winscale, 3 mile Island and Fukishima Daichi. technology has moved on a lot since the first 3, and risk is very low now, especially if certain tech is chosen. I personally feel Nuclear is the only answer, without it, the use of fossil fuels will continue.
The really hard job is then persuading the world to give up fossil fuels….I wouldn’t even know how we can start persuading them to do that, unless it’s cheaper. Here’s a thing to think about, if the UK Europe and America met the net zero targets….what would happen to the price of oil and gas, it would become so cheap that many countries would absolutely suck the stuff up with abandon as they build their economies?
I’ve yet to see a cogent, guaranteed and clear plans for all of this stuff.