DavecUK You have a switch underneath where you can switch to one of 3 temperatures for espresso, no flushing, little flush better steam, normal flush, maximal steam.
On first look I thought this was the Profitec version (so as not to say rip-off) of the Mara X, with the same size and the 3 pre-set temp switch. However, after looking at the product page and this video, I didn’t see any mention to suggest that it has something similar to the cleverness of Mara X: giving priority to the brew over steam temp and achieving it with a second PID in the HX and some smart programming. Instead it just has three set temps for the steam, which in turn will affect the brew temp (so a standard HX with 3 steam temperatures?). It also doesn’t have the steam boost, because as a standard HX it’s always ready to steam?
I have to say I got quite excited about the machine initially, but after looking at the page and video it seems they are mostly proud of the changeable discs for the steam and water knobs. While this may be a nice design touch, it’s hardly a revolution in espresso, is it?
@DavecUK - am I missing something?