
While I can’t add anything else. I too came to the same conclusion as you. The Profitec 400 is a technically worse version of the 500, but what it has compared to the 500 are the size of the MaraX, a price tag nearer to the MaraX, and coloured discs.

I think the 400 can’t have MaraX like features as that would make it eat up the (more expensive) 500 series sales… Got to keep those product tiers and differentiation.

fwx By the way, how is Rancilio pro x? It seems to be not as good as liz in terms of functions, but well built and hence more expensive.

Never understood what people mean by this really: define well built?

Are we talking finishing - i.e polished, perfectly smooth edges everywhere, even inside the machine, tighter-fitting parts so no rattles etc - or are we talking better components and better placement for longevity, more space in the machine and more accessibility for maintenance, or are we just saying the metal is thicker or the machine is heavier?

    Rob1 LOL, I saw “well built” many times, I never thought about it like you. It is indeed a misleading word for a newbie…

    Rob1 Great Question. I think, @DavecUK, this should be a thread by itself.

    For me, Quality parts, longevity, easy availability / serviceability would define well built. Appearance brings a nice touch but not critical for me.

      Fair enough, but the engineering principles that you talk about haven’t changed - and probably never will!

      DavecUK That article I wrote is around 16 years old now….so parts of it may not be up to date….

      Saw it first time just now and really enjoyed the read. Didn’t notice anything in it that isn’t relevant today. Just wondering if due to 16 years of limitation you will be willing to reveal who is the HX machine manufacturer that you are referring to here:

      “However I will say that there is a make of HX (Heat Exchanger machine/s) that I personally believe are a reference machine by which all others can be judged when considering the 3 least important areas to the purchaser, but perhaps the most important to a reviewer….actual quality, ease of maintenance and practicality. The most surprising part, they are not the most expensive machines in their class!”

        [unknown] I have read the threads on Minima. And Dave’s reviews. It is a decent machine at its price.My worry is that there were some threads about the issues of Minima, and direct buying from ACS means I need to fix them my self once I meet such issues unluckily. Since not knowing how many Minimas have been sold, I cannot tell if these issues are common or not. Also interested in whether ACS has fixed those problems for the present version.

        [unknown] We don’t know what you’ve read so define the problems you’ve seen and you’ll find out if anybody else has heard of them or if they’ve been fixed or not. As far as I’m aware any threads relating to known problems on this forum have addressed the issue.

        • fwx replied to this.

          whos unknown? has a user been deleted ?

          Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

            Rob1 Sounds great! Thank you Rob. I am trying to contact ACS directly.

            9 days later

            Wondering if Rolo has received his Profitec 400 and if so has any thoughts to share. The Mara X (along with other Lelit products at BB) has dropped down to 899 which seems a real bargain, why? The Mara X has a lot of features that appeal but I am attracted by the 400.

              SurreyAlan The Mara X (along with other Lelit products at BB) has dropped down to 899 which seems a real bargain, why?

              It went up, from £899, but perhaps they able to get pricing from Lelit which allowed them to bring the price back down to £899. It’s a great machine as is the Profitec 400. The MaraX is much cleverer than the Proftec, which is switched manually between 3 different boiler temps.

              The Mara monitors HX temp and has a specialised coffee mode, very stable temps, weak steaming for small amounts of milk and a steam boost mode….a little less stable temps and a boost after the machine starts making the shot for good steaming. temps can be selected for both modes to give cool, medium and hot espresso.


              This was the review before they changed the programming to loose HX mode and introduce the other two modes with the tweaks I wanted for steam boost. Gives you the basics though.

              I’ve never been sent a Profitec 400 for review, although I saw it all at the ECM factory and had many coffees from one.

              • fwx replied to this.