I own an Izzo Duetto MK4. Bought back in 2014. I have serviced it a few times and has been a great learning tool. Recently I noticed that the coffee seemed weak and a cursory look at the brew pressure gauge identified a low pressure of around 4 bar. I also noticed the backflush was weak. So I stripped the e61 down and lubricated ( molykote). the backflush problem was instantly cured but the pressure remained low. I decided to adjust the brew pressure screw and after reaching the maximum adjustment I now have 9 or so bar pressure but more importantly great coffee again.
Although it would appear there is no problem now I suspect myself the OPV is playing up as why do I need to adjust to maximum the brew pressure? Compensating for a leaky OPV maybe?
I have phoned BB and spoke to a technician who said the OPV has nothing to do with it. if the pressure is low then the pump is at fault. I am sceptical. My question is:
- Can a faulty OPV cause low pressure?
- If that is the case where is the water going to? as there is none coming out of the little tube by the tray. The machine is plumbed in.
- How difficult is it to change an OPV on the izzo?
- Where can I find the part if I need to?
- Is it maybe the pump?
- What symptom’s should I look for?
I should point out that about a year ago I cleaned the OPV as water was constantly coming out of the little tube by the front tray. That rectified the fault at the time.
Don’t get me wrong the coffee extraction is perfect but I feel with the brew adjustment on maximum is not right.