coffeealex the reason you often hear people say to only use water on demand as needed rather than leave large amounts in the espresso water tank?
I think the reason people are worried about that is more to with biological contamination. RO/DI water does not contain chlorine, which tap water does…
coffeealex Also is there a simple formula to work out how much bicarbonate of soda to add if using pure water to bring the ph neutral or thereabouts?
A buffer is not a neutralising agent.
coffeealex How do you measure very small amounts of bicarbonate of soda as I would assume you are talking about less than a gram a time?
Indeed. Which is why many people (me included) use concentrate saline solution. I, for example, use 1.60 grams of KHCO3 to 400 ml of water to make my concentrate, and then use 20 ml of this solution in 980 grams/ml of pure water, which gets me 80 mg/l of bicarbonate (equivalent to a KH of 40 mg/l of CaCO3). Otherwise, buy a mg resolution scale (they are cheap nowadays), and spend a bit of time with a pair of tweezers every time you need to mix a litre…