• Paper filter at the bottom? (I noticed that James Hoffman does this)
  • Metal puck screen on top?
  • Or??

What’s the impact on:

  • Body
  • Mouthfeel
  • Strength
  • Taste
  • Complexity
  • Length
  • Consistency

Why or why not?

For what beans or roasts?

Would not a paper filter remove the particles and oils that give me the fuller bodied mouthfeel I like?

@lancehedrick @DavecUK and all.

    Paper filters effect mouth feel as they remove solids in the cup

    Try the ims eb super fine basket.

    Alot of the other stuff is just faff that’s not needed. Imo

    You may see it in tds meters n stuff so ….

    Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

      The only thing I can say is: “try”. My conclusion from what I read/watch is inconsistent results, which makes me think that at best the results are highly dependent on the machine, its parameters and the coffee. Personally, I’m very happy without any filtering beyond what provided by the puck itself and the basket.

      JHCCoffee Would not a paper filter remove the particles and oils that give me the fuller bodied mouthfeel I like?

      A paper filter at the top keeps the shower screen clean, like, really clean. I think it reduces flow slightly too.

      At the bottom it gives you a cleaner cup.

      That’s my practical observations. A stack of aeropress papers are relatively inexpensive so the best thing you can do is to try it yourself, like I did. 😉😊

      Cuprajake Try the ims eb super fine basket.


      I already have 4 baskets:

      2 x BaristaPro by IMS - Nanotech Precision Filter Basket - 18 grams


      2 x BaristaPro by IMS - Nanotech Precision Filter Basket - 15 grams

      I know that using these baskets results in faster water flow than the Lelit baskets.

      Just curious: Are they filtering out more vs less fines and oils, relative to the: a) above mentioned “IMS EB Superfine” , or b) the Lelit baskets? Cleaner vs not as clean taste?

      I know, I know: Just test/try. And yes, it depends on a whole lot of other things. Just curious about your experiences.

      For the moment I will continue to use my current baskets, while I figure out other things, like acclimatizing to my new NZ and improving my grinds distribution.

      However I have learned one thing about IMS, and that its products may not be right for all machines and coffees. For example I bought the IMS screen at the same time as I bought my Lelit. But its flow, in combination with the IMS baskets, was way too fast. Taste and consistency improved when I went back to the Lelit screen. I also had a dark decaf roast that was flowing quite fast; going back to the stock Lelit basket helped.

      I’m not going to play around with screens and baskets until I get bored. However Lelit seems to have gotten alot of things right, and I may well end up just using their stock baskets.

        JHCCoffee But its flow, in combination with the IMS baskets, was way too fast.

        That’s sort of the point, the faster flow means you can dial finer to give you the right flow rate and increase extraction. Whether you prefer the taste is a different question, but with any basket if you can’t grind find enough to choke the machine then the grinder is the issue. Now you’ve got a niche though I’d be surprised if this was the case.


          I hadn’t thought of it in that context, I guess it’s almost like the opposite of a double walled basket that deliberately restricts flow albeit for a different purpose.

          Paper is ok as you bin it. But puck screens pita to clean.

          I had one custom made for my 54mm ims baskets then never used it after the first few goes. I didn’t see a difference.

          I did like my superfine with the SSP though very clean cup almost a pour over feel

          Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -