I took the adjust ring/hopper off as per Daves video, to clean and calibrate
Now the ring won’t sit to the case. When it tightens there’s a gap around 4mm.
Threads are ok, no damage.
What am I doing wrong?

    Hmm, think it’s meant to be like that.

    you never need to calibrate again once it’s calibrated. Just check you have not cross threaded it.

    Not cross threaded. Just did the initial check and calibration. That’s when I noticed the gap but it seems they are all like that from what I can tell by Google images

    Penance Now the ring won’t sit to the case. When it tightens there’s a gap around 4mm.

    Something definitely doesn’t look right, from your picture. When I look at mine, I don’t see that metal flange.

    You might wish to carefully remove all, following DaveC’s video (frame by frame) and then (following his video, frame by frame) re-assemble.

    Here’s a picture of mine:

    Penance - I’d suggest you do something similar to what’s been suggested above.

    I’d take the springs, sweeper, the burrs and collar out again, and make sure you put the sweeper the right way up (solid face facing you).

    Without putting the burrs in, nor the springs, put the collar back and screw it in, carefully not to cross thread it. Is it moving freely? Does it look right?

    If so, remove the collar, and proceed with putting the lower burr in, the locking pin, the sprigs and the top burr carrier. Screw the collar back in, careful not to cross thread as this time the springs will push back.

    Does it look better?

    If you are still stuck, happy to talk you through it after work. 👍 - let me know and I’ll PM you.

    I followed the video before first use. I will try again after work and see if i can find any issue.

    Penance I thought the black collar was upside down initially but you don’t remove that part when disassembling, ignore me!

    I contacted Niche and sent some pictures, they say it is normal and nothing to worry about.

    I’ve not had time to do anything with it today.
    I’m not seeing much advantage over the Specialita at the moment apart from ease of changing grind.
    The static on the niche is a nightmare.

    • MWJB replied to this.

      Penance The static on the niche is a nightmare.

      Can you please describe what the issue is?

        MWJB grinds go in all directions coming out the chute.
        Grinds stick to the cup, or portafilter and ring if I use that.
        Also grinds drop from the chute some time after grinding, presumably as static dissipates.
        I’ll grab a photo tomorrow.

        It’s an awful lot more mess to use than the Specialita.

        • MWJB replied to this.

          Penance I wouldn’t grind into PF personally. Any grinder will release grinds once static dissipates, leave the cup there and it will catch them. Clack the lid a couple of times to shake them loose & discard before the next grind.

          I guess it’s possible but I doubt the Specialita has much better dose consistency.

          Admittedly it’s early days and I need to give it some more use but initial impressions aren’t great.
          The Specialita has better gring to pf as it doesn’t suffer the static issue, likewise I get little to no grinds dropping.

          • MWJB replied to this.

            Penance Unless the dose consistency is very much better then the Niche (unlikely) those Specialita grinds are still somewhere, likely snagged up in the grinder until nest dose and you just don’t see them.

            If you have measurements that say different, I’m happy to be wrong.

            Of course, not being able to see them might make you happier, but I’m wondering if you had a super tidy grinder that you thought was great, why change?

              I haven’t used the specialita, but for the niche I tend to find static depends on environmental factors. Most of the time it isn’t really an issue, but occasionally a fair bit sticks inside the dosing cup. I find if you just tap the cup on the bench it’ll drop the grinds to the bottom and you can pour them in (or use the brush if really high static). Some beans seem worse than others for this, but it can come and go with the same bean, which makes me wonder if humidity plays a part.

              Like others have said, if you leave to dosing cup under the spout it’ll catch anything that drops out later so there isn’t much mess.

              I have a vague memory that it was worse for static when I first got it too, and it got better as the burrs bedded in.

                MWJB my main reason to change was for ease of changing grind size. I believed the niche would achieve that, it has but there are also negatives to it.
                I haven’t said I had a super tidy grinder that I thought was great, what I am saying is the niche has some negatives compared to the specialita.