Although not a Star Wars fan, because of the reviews for the Mandalorian I thought I’d give it a go and admit to thoroughly enjoying it.

At the moment watching Frontier with Jason Momoa a 2016 to 2018 series about the North American fur trade of the 1700’s and quite liking it.

Talking of historical drama series, one I did really enjoy was Vikings.

    Nearly finished watching Marco Polo on Netflix, watched the Promise bbc iplayer which was a good murder mystery, ok if you don’t mind sub titles. Hidden assets on bbc iplayer was a good police drama. Started to watch Reacher but not sure after episode one so need to see more. Not sure how to convince the wife to get more subscription tv.

    Pompeyexile At the moment watching Frontier with Jason Momoa a 2016 to 2018 series about the North American fur trade of the 1700’s and quite liking it.

    I always liked Jason Momoa, ever since he first appeared on Stargate Atlantis. Or at least that’s when I first noticed him.

    DavecUK His second book is also good, though the first one was the best. It shows what ever one working at the NHS go through. Hats off to them!

    Giphy - Hat Hello GIF by Audible

    LMSC Every one of us must watch this!

    This is going to hurt …..Already have and thought it was brilliant!

      Pompeyexile NHS as a whole and the Jr Drs in particular. Having seen my daughter starting her career as an F1 doctor — rushed thru the final few months, no convocation, etc. — on the Covid front line, seeing the toll it had on her and many more, I do not want any one to start a career like that not just in our life time but for ever. 😊

      I often take quite a while to go to sleep, so we play lists on Alexa that I usually make up of seventies songs and anything else. Just recently if you search Calming Classical you get a playlist of 75 songs, all Classical but they are calming! I split it up into 3 playlists of 25 songs and just repeat them nightly on shuffle, so you never know what is coming next!

      DavecUK Trawling back a bit here, but if you are partial to a bit of humorous violence and swearing, have you tried ‘Happy’ on NF?

      Very bizarre, but strangely addictive and entertaining.

        “Happy” is great! Two more I missed the first time around are the Western, ‘Deadwood’ and the police procedural ‘No Offence’. Both highly recommended! :)

          DavecUK It is a slippery slope! I gave control of the household NF account to my wife who is far more restrained and has a much higher bar for quality.

          Breaking bad - old but Gold

          The Americans - very good but too much of S** scenes, which I found it annoying.

          Rob666 “Happy” is great! Two more I missed the first time around are the Western, ‘Deadwood’ and the police procedural ‘No Offence’. Both highly recommended! :)

          Agree 100% Ian McShane as Al Swearengen….most appropriate name for a character ever was exceptional. As for No Offence, funny and gritty and again great acting from the lead role Joanna Scanlan. I do sometimes wonder how cop shows like Murder in Paradise can go on for so many seasons whereas those like No Offence do not…line of Duty of course being the exception.

          Just watched the Winter Olympics womens’s curling final….It’s like snooker on ice and I have to say, how anyone can say it is boring is beyond me…I was totally engrossed and the skill shown in placing those stones and how they react with other stones on the playing surface is as good as any snooker player can do with a snooker ball and cue.

            I find Disney mostly garbage but there are a couple of gems - the one off stage show ‘In & Of Itself’ is amazing, very moving. You need to go in cold as it’s essentially a story/monologue with some incredible tricks thrown in, but it’s not a magic show with ladies sawn in half or rabbits from hats. Give it 10-15m and you’ll know if you like it.

            Other absolute gem is the short 3 season Aussie show Mr Inbetween. Think low budget Aussie Tarantino/Ritchie gangsters but its very sparse with the dialogue, short 25m eps and also very moving & funny in places. It’s a total gem.

              Pompeyexile Just watched the Winter Olympics womens’s curling final….It’s like snooker on ice and I have to say, how anyone can say it is boring is beyond me…I was totally engrossed and the skill shown in placing those stones and how they react with other stones on the playing surface is as good as any snooker player can do with a snooker ball and cue.

              I like all the very few Olympic sports where drugs are not an issue…theres not many. Nowadays, I get very little enjoyment in watching the drug fuelled antics in the other sports. It’s a controversial view, I know…but look at Olympians bodies from the 60s and now….“that’s all I will say about that”.

              Giphy - Rogue One Lies GIF

              gotters I find Disney mostly garbage but there are a couple of gem

              Clearly I am quite low brow in my viewing habits…but I enjoy the Disney+ stuff 🤣

                I stopped watching anything Disney after Bedknobs and Broomsticks😁