My brother stayed a couple nights last week and brought a bag of beans as a present. I kind of glazed over the label, not noticing the full title. So, the dial in was nothing as it seemed fine at what I was using. The coffee tasted really nice - buttery, sweet with fruity aftertaste. So, I drank the rest of it until it ran out yesterday and I opened a new bag of my usual stuff. Wow, what? Where’s all the flavour and taste gone? Then I realised it was blue mountain and I took to researching it a bit. In retrospect it really was gorgeous. I don’t like really fruity stuff but this was fantastic. It was medium to light roast. I won’t be spending all that money in it, but it will be on my want list in future!! What’s your take on this bean?

    6 months later

    JahLaza My parents always used to harp on about Blue Mountain as the elixir of coffee but also how expensive it is. I cant believe there’s not anything out there for half the price?

    First off - more Blue Mountain is sold as opposed to produced, i.e. there are problems with beans being marketed as BM when they aren’t. That said, genuine BM is highly priced due to its exclusivity - demand vs supply. Personally, have drunk pukka BM, I don’t think the price is justified. You can get more bangs for your bucks elsewhere.

    Blue Mountain was my go-to favourite in the distant) past. It was never cheap, but wasn’t as expensive as it is now.

    One caution for anyone unwary - there’s more than one BM. Sorry if this is too obvious, but I figure some people may not know.

    “Proper” BM is the Jamaican variant. In addition, there’s Kenyan Blue Mountain. It’s BM in the sense that it’s grown from “Proper” seed stock, but as we all know, coffee is a direct product not just of seed stock but varies according to environment, which can be as finely defined as which altitude on the mountain and certainly local soil, never mind growing it in Africa not the Caribbean. It also varies year to year, even when grown in exactly the same spot as last year ’cos, y’know, weather and stuff.

    Personally, I still like te Kenyan version, but not as much as the ‘original’ Jamaican. And for any purists, yeah, I know it doesn’t originate in Jamaica, bt Ethiopia which, yup, is right back in Africa. Ironic, that. So while the plant came from Ethiopia and the Kenyan one is kind-of going home, the brand that has the reputation is the Jamaican version.

    All info as I understand it, but note - I am no expert. No doubt I’ll be corrected if I screwed up something. This is all from memory.

      CoffeePhilE Australian Skybury, specifically of Bourbon and Catuai are Jamacain Blue Mountain stock grown in Australia. If you ever see it, it’s well worth buying, very nice coffee.

      There is a chain of cafes in Aus called JamaicaBlue.
      They use a bean from New Guinea that is supposedly grown from Jamaican stock but charge Jamaican prices for it.
      I also used to get it as a staple back in the eighties for a reasonable but never cheap price.
      My current supplier got some in recently and I couldn’t resist buying a kg of greens for old times sake.
      It still makes a lovely cup, well balanced smooth, slightly fruity with cocoa flavours lingering on the palate but for a fraction of the price I’ll stock up on some Ethiopian and Yemeni beans when they hit the floor again.