DrForinor Puck sticking can happen with any machine, usually a light downward pressure on the handle when unlocking can dislodge the puck when removing the PF. It’s simply a vacuum thing I think?. Puristika does it, sometimes Bianca does it, but it can happen more often on Liz, possibly the ring group used? On the lever machines a rapid lift of the lever, without even the pump activation properly unsticks them. Now of course the group vent is open, so the vacuum doesn’t really make sense, but then nothing is coming through when the lever is rapidly lifted and closed. Unless that’s enough to introduce the tiniest bit of water.
I have wondered if there is a way to ensure puck release e.g. with machines like the Liz, to simply burp the pump once after the shot ends (a BR1 or 0 parameter ;), whilst keeping the solenoid valve open?? Just don’t know if it would work with the PF attached. I keep meaning to set up a test rig…but I might ask Lelit to try it for me. There’s a few other things I’d like to get programmed into Liz and also Bianca at the same time.
As for temp as others have said it only displays 1 decimal and rounds up or down. So theoretically it could be deviating by 1.1C around the mean. It’s a tiny boiler as well, although I got mine to be pretty stable in the steady state, once it’s warmed up completely (nothing still sinking heat away and in equilibrium) and no shots pulled in a while. It’s always going to vary a tad though over time.