I normally have a little something to eat with my espresso in the morning, although what I have varies from day to day. As we all know, eating something with espresso, or any other drink, can change the taste of the drink.

So I was wondering what you all tend to eat, if anything, with espresso.

    a second espresso lol

    Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

    I usually don’t eat anything with it as the drink itself is so small (36ml).

    When I have a flat white in the morning, I usually have a couple of rich tea biscuits. My internet search tells me there are no equivalent in the USA. :-)

      Nothing to eat until about 10 am unless I am travelling. One or two long blacks in the morning; my first coffee is at around 7:30; the second after quarter past 8; and a flat white with breakfast after 10. My appetite will go for a toss if I don’t drink black. :-)

      wilburpan So I was wondering what you all tend to eat, if anything, with espresso.

      I don’t mix drinks (coffee, beer, wine) with food. I like to keep things separate, and find that food changes the taste of the drink. With food I drink water.

      Only water, to reset my taste buds from time to time. I fast till 12 a clock anyway and there’s so much going on in the coffee cup to mix it with smth else.

      Overnight oats: whole milk, frozen summer berries, fresh blueberries and banana, peanut butter and maple syrup. I’ll sometimes have some sourdough toast as well, peanut butter and jam, if I’ve got/had a long run, 10 miles+.

      I usually drink my espresso before touching my food though to avoid mixing flavours.

      I’m quite confused by the replies in this thread. I thought the OP is asking what we eat WITH an espresso, while sipping it, not what we eat before or after. If the latter is the case, then I can say I often have lunch, which could be a variety of things from beans on toast to miso soup with chicken feet. 🫤 🤷‍♂️

      • LMSC replied to this.

        MediumRoastSteam I thought the OP is asking what we eat WITH an espresso

        Yes! In the morning…. That’s my understanding as well. But, the OP doesn’t indicate if it’s the first cup in the morning or at any time in the morning.

          LMSC - Ok. I think I understand. I focused strictly on the preposition “with”. When the OP wrote “So I was wondering what you all tend to eat, if anything, with espresso” I assumed the OP meant “So I was wondering what you all tend to eat, if anything, whilst drinking espresso” rather than before having espresso or afterwards.

            I occasionally have a low-carb almond biscotti with my second shot of the day, usually late morning.

            Sunday morning the local farmers market is invaded a gazillion locals and tourists but my wonderful early-bird wife gets there around 6am and buys me two date or fig muffins the ingredients for which are hand stone ground (God only knows why) by some young hippies using organic everything and they are still warm when I sit down with a freshly poured espresso. Divine.

              MediumRoastSteam I usually have a couple of rich tea biscuits. My internet search tells me there are no equivalent in the USA. :-)

              Imported rich tea biscuits? 😄

              MediumRoastSteam I assumed the OP meant “So I was wondering what you all tend to eat, if anything, whilst drinking espresso”

              That’s what I meant. Except that we don’t have fancy words like “whilst” on this side of the pond. 😄

              Import rich tea, now there’s a market 😂

              Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

              For the record, I typically have one espresso a day, first thing in the morning, almost always with something to eat. What that thing is usually depends on what my wife bought. Today it was an amaretti biscuit. Last week it was a donut. Sometimes it’s a biscotti. This past weekend was Chinese New Year, so I had a dan tat. So it’s a pretty wide variety of how sweet the food is for me.

              A couple of lotus biscoff biscuits sometimes with the coffee in the afternoon