I was corresponding with the gent that offered and sold his Argo spot (to someone else). Negotiation being put aside, we got to chatting about options for me to test out a lever at low cost. He advised the following:
The direct lever Pavonis have a very full bodied flavour to then … Due to their small group size … 49-51mm … I fine this with any smaller group that the body is significantly enhanced … Have noticed this from 49-54mm … Wider Portafilter has a little more …. Flavor separation and cleanliness but lacks the warmth and full bodied flavour of smaller groups ..
And also he said:
I would strongly recommend a pavoni over a flair. The workflow is great. And you have a lot more variability in shot exploration because of the boiler preinfusion.
He recommends:
Europicola forsure. They are basically impossible to beat for the money.
What are your thoughts on his comments?
My purpose is to get my feet wet on levers; test the waters; to decide if I want to go that route, with an Argo or whatever. So I need something that will give me a solid sense of what the difference in espresso shot body, mouthfeel, strength, flavor, length will be. To guide an eventual purchase of a machine for my cottage, which might end up being a Lelit E or an undetermined lever.
So, I can buy a lightly used Flair Pro 2 for $260 CDN or a Europicolla for $600 CDN used. I will resell the unit once I am done testing out the concept of a lever. Would the Flair be sufficient to do meet my test the waters purpose? Or do I need better? If so, what?
The $260 CDN one just popped up on a local used goods site, and is 55% of new, so I’d need to jump on it.