Without getting into machine specifics, sure, it is a classic supply and demand.
Every owner, irrespective of a machine or a grinder, has a right to dispose off the used at what ever the price they would like to set. We know no body has got a d*** right to question that. We see that in super market price wars.
However, this isn’t a super market. It’s a niche market where the used gets a fair price.
A used Evo at £1750 was a deeply discounted bargain hunt. We all know that the Evo is worth more than it has been sold at. Some are glad Systemic sold off his second machine very quickly, while some Evo users aren’t as it has permanently devalued their machines’ worth. We can’t say that’s a reality nor the other users can’t express their opinion.
I remember some one on this forum or elsewhere stating may be Evo isn’t actually worth as it was made out to be. Really?
A lot of users like self is unlikely to sell this machine and may continue using it unless it can no longer be updated (parts) or one of us (self or the machine) packs. I will tell my daughter she either uses it or give it to a good cause. 😁
But, it is a gentle reminder to those Evo users that they are going to struggle to sell their Evo, should they choose to sell at a higher price than the last sold price in the future. We know the used Evos may need price setting to the south of the previous selling price. Unfortunate, IMHO.
One might also have to remember this while buying new. Will I buy a new Evo, should my daughter nick the one we have at home. No, I will go back to filter. Period.