dfk41 Redla It is on offer for the older version at £58 cheaper than a single burr Duo. I know which one I would take a punt on! Have any owners done the green bean challenge yet and be willing to share?
FadedFrontiers Cuprajake price drop as theres a version 2 coming, For both the 64 and 83 apparently, both coming with the plasma generator
dutchy101 30% off 1kg of Extract Coffee Original Espresso code: SUMMERTIME Just ordered 1kg for £21.28 including postage
skylark Do BB do a corresponding online code to their current instore discount of 10%, anyone in the know?
skylark Dusk Yes, that’s exactly what it says but has anyone pressed them on why it’s instore ‘only’. I’m 300 miles away and would willingly give them my business for a similar discount …
Dusk I’m quite close, send me all your money and I’ll go and buy it and try not to keep it for myself 😁
Cuprajake https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/276014939614?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=hF4M_ll4Qgy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=8nPtpNt4SJC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
Cuprajake https://bellabarista.co.uk/collections/outlet/products/copy-of-profitec-pro-700-mode-espresso-machine-with-flow-control