Every time I make a coffee on the Sage Dual Boiler, once I have knocked out the puck I immediately wash wipe and rinse the portafilter and basket in hot water. I then wipe the shower screen rinsing the cloth until no coffe residue is on the cloth this usually takes about three rinses and wipes and then flush some hot water through the grouphead. Dave is right the worst build up of coffee residue from the puck - on the Sage anyway - sits tucked away in the space where the lugs from the portafilter sit so every now and then I also use a stiff brush to dislodge them.
I will admit I only take the shower screen out about once a month so looking at Dave’s video I think I’ll change that to once a week. As for the water tank I empty and clean that once a week - never have it full - and backflush with Puley once a month too.
Sage shower screen after two weeks…

No excuses less than ten minutes to do.