MediumRoastSteam Yesterday something very strange happened (again). I’ve been grinding this particular coffee - Kenyan - at setting 10 on the Niche. Yesterday the shot took 70 seconds for the usual 18g in, 36g out. I thought nothing of it, maybe some freak event, and just drank the coffee. This morning, guess what? Same thing again, but took it even longer, like 85 seconds.
Something similar and very strange happened to me: suddenly the grind setting that was perfect before completely choked the machine. I think I needed to go 2-3 steps coarser (on Niche Zero) to get the same flow. This happened on both coffees I have on the go (there is a 4-step difference between them: one on 11, the other on 14, and both needed much coarser settings at the same time).
At this stage I thought maybe the calibration ring moved. So I went all the way to the calibration point, and indeed the dot didn’t align with the arrow by about the right distance, so I thought I found the problem. I aligned the point to the arrow and thought all is good.
However – the calibration difference was in the wrong direction (meaning that now the grind was even finer, not coarser. In other words: a coffee that I was on 11 suddenly needed 14. After fixing the calibration, instead of going back to 11, it now needed 17).
Can the weather change explain such a dramatic shift? Did anyone else in the UK have this in the last few days (assuming I’m not the only one who experienced a change in the weather)?