dfk41 You type in a search topic and have to plough through all the sponsored ads first of all.

Doesn’t the adblocker you use allow you to block tracking, search ads and website self promotion? I don’t see any sponsored ads when I use Google.

The big alternative to Google is DuckDuckGo. Privacy focused and all that good stuff. Other than a quick play, I’ve not used it. Google works fine for me after blocking tracking and ads.

    dfk41 It is not adverts as such.

    Yeah, I know what you mean. I filter them. I tried the same search - I see this…

    Try Bing. Also the Bing AI Chat.

    Firefox and Ad-Guard, to stop you tube adverts and pop ups, Firefox has many useful add-ons as well.

    google will always show sponsers and adverts first, its one of their revenue streams.

      I will bet my house on the picture of you being the one with the chappie poking his tongue out. Now why would I think that?😁

        hubcap Yes, I understand that hubcap. I used Chrome before and was always reasonably happy with the extensions like Adblock. But, I get sick and tired of searching for a specific thing, for example your type in the name of a company and they appear twelfth after Amazon etc all selling you rubbish. Have we really let things get to the extent that the same big companies control all aspects of our life……..me, I like to fight back and fuck them!


          I do understand the annoyance, My pet peeve is companies like Microsoft updating things differently, after I have it setup how I want it, it seems like an update just for the sake of it, when one is not needed.

          But it is what it is.

          If I type in “Eureka” for example, i don’t get what I’m after but if I type in “Eureka coffee” it appears at the top of the google list, Maybe give abit more info in the search field.


          I use Opera browser with addons like Ublock origin & Privacy badger and that cuts out almost all sponsered ads when searching, even with google.

          An option is to use the ‘Brave’ browser and secure search it provides to eliminate ads. I gave it a quick go and it seemed okay, if I wasn’t happy with my current Opera set up I’d change.


            I have listed the extensions I run in Opera which will get you to a speedy set up without too much faff🙂

            • Disable html 5 autoplay (to allow me to choose when to watch videos and not have them autoload within a webpage)
            • Homepage in New Tab
            • Opera Ad Blocker
            • Privacy Badger
            • Ublock Origin

            Did you have a look at Brave?

              I’d question the very premise that it’s physically possible for Google to get worse.

              Oh sorry, you mean the search part of Google. I don’t know, I haven’t used it in years. i do know that I woudn’t cross the road to pee on Google, if they were on fire.

              As a company, I have them as #1 on my list of “sucks, big time”.

              I shall now go quiet before I really get in to my standard Google rant.