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Decent sells a Waisted and also an Extremely Waisted basket. https://decentespresso.com/basket
They state that: This sort of basket is very appropriate if you are using medium to dark roasted beans and prefer the classic, thick Italian lever shot style. These baskets are narrower at the bottom than the top. This allows them to copy the style of espresso made from lever machines, which use much narrower baskets. The narrower basket produces a thicker coffee puck, which in terms gives you a thicker espresso, with less channelling and more consistency. The resulting espresso is chocolatey, easy to drink. The downside is less flavor complexity, and so these baskets are not appropriate for lighter roasts.
Has anyone had an experience with this type of basket? I do like classic Italian ristretto espresso shots.
And what about 22g baskets, as per Decent:
22g baskets are used either to make thick espresso with darker roasts, or to make ristrettos from lighter roasts that otherwise would be too sour or have taste defects. This will tend to make a shot with 22g of beans and 20g to 30g of espresso in the cup. If you are using a 9 bar espresso machine with very light beans and tend to get sour espressos or unpleasant flavors, you should consider a 22g basket and making this style of ristretto shot. Such a large dose will also help you avoid channeling.
Thoughts? Experiences? Comments?