pjw Nope matey, nothing to do with filters. Best answer I have found is Google doing maintenance on a server. There is a recovery tool available if you hunt for it. I did recover 814 emails but only ones that I had deleted. When this happened on my laptop, I picked up my phone, opened Gmail and watched a months worth vanish in front of my eyes as they did on the laptop. If I had deleted them, then they would be in my Bin

Everything is possible, but I doubt.

You can always reach they support, but as this “free” service not sure what terms they offer.

Try this: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7015314?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop#zippy=%2Ccheck-if-the-email-was-archived-deleted-or-marked-as-spam

In general paying for email, like Outlook PRemium, gives you more consumer rights.

Check also this statment:

    OK, got it.

    No more ideas how to help, if nothing from this link helped (https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7015314?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop#zippy=%2Ccheck-if-the-email-was-archived-deleted-or-marked-as-spam) , then I am afraid you are out of options.

    For the future you can in theory keep local copy of email using some clients like Thunderbird or Outlook.

    Another option is to FWD important (or all) emails to different mailbox provided by different provider (there are a few starting with outlook, protonmail, etc…) .


    in fact you can give the Thunderbird try now, if this is some filtering/display issues, the client will still download the content.


      dfk41 TB works on Mac, and you can configure it in a way that it leaves messages on the server. (so browser access is always possible).

      So other then consuming local storage space, you lose nothing. It’'s just a client, you will still be using google email service.

      Did the emails disappear before your eyes? I know that sounds like an odd question but emails that appear momentarily and then disappear usually means they’ve been deleted somewhere and the view you’re seeing is catching up.

      In this case the account might’ve been compromised (or at least accessed by someone else) and deleted from a different device.

      I’m not sure if Google offers this functionality but are you able to see login activity? If so, check that all activity matches the IP addresses of devices you own.

      If they were all just absent entirely when you logged in, then it suggests it might be issues on the server side.

      Batch editing/moving/deleting emails isn’t something you’d easily do by accident but at the same time, if some emails are visible still and some not, it suggests it’s unlikely to be server problems. This would typically make all emails inaccessible.

      La Marzocco Linea Mini - Mazzer Philos

      Ikawa Roaster

        HarveyMushman Being retired and not liking daytime (or night time) tv I am more or less on my laptop all the time. Gmail is always open on a tab. My Iphone sits next to me and that usually makes a sound so I check my mail. When I clicked on the gmail tab, all the emails were missing so I did not see them vanish. But, when I opened Gmail on my phone they vanished in front of me suggesting the server was synchronising…….

        Definitely a head-scratcher. Do you use the GMail app on your phone? And if so, do you know if it runs in the background?

        If it does, then seeing the emails disappear would suggest they’d literally just been lost/moved/deleted moments before.

        Definitely worth checking the activity of your account to see if any unrecognised parties are accessing it.

        This article says it should be possible:


        La Marzocco Linea Mini - Mazzer Philos

        Ikawa Roaster

          My wife occasionally has a similar problem, and I usually find her missing emails in the Archive folder.