dfk41 You already know of a lot of roasters, who roast to your taste profile.

Why not take a look at Blackcat please?

Twilight Blend, Signature Blend and CP! I haven’t had them for a very long time. :-)

    dfk41 I would certainly give Blackcat a go, if you haven’t had them in a while.

    We all know David is a great bloke, who gave unbiased views and recommendations to folks here and elsewhere. I do my bit to support him regularly. :-)


      dfk41 What I personally consider to be the ideal range of development and without question call it Full City. Exactly what I find perfect for my taste/texture with all the coffees I source/roast. Reason I started home roasting 8 yrs ago was due to the garbage (underdeveloped) trend most commercial roasters have gone. Personally want ROASTED, not TOASTED. Have seen many coffees that never even finished 1C and seriously lacking any real flavor development, not to mention straight acidity. At a Full City range of development you will get some roast notes as well as maintaining all inherent coffee notes. No sacrifices in either direction if you ask me. **If anyone really considers that the darker side they’re seriously missing out!


      In Poland I am able to buy it from ACS distributor here, so never used the online store from Saka.

      This is not dark oily, coffee it is just well developed medium-dark roast.

      The Red One - Espresso Bar is the one I recommend to start with. It is the classic blend with fair amount of robusta (40%).

      Gran bar has 20% robusta, Top Selection is Arabica only.

      dfk41 If you are more familiar with their products, which one would you point me to?

      I don’t drink anything > medium. I heard their CP is easy going and very popular. My daughter liked it as a flat white, if that’s what you are looking for.


      I would try 250g, if I were you.

      My family loves this Foundry for flat whites. It is more like a medium


      dfk41 I am not looking to attend a cremation,
      Giphy - over your head cosplay GIF by Comic-Con HQ
