delta76 - Let’s just hope they will be genuine SSP burrs :-)
T64 Grinder From Bella Barista
MediumRoastSteam given df64coffee sells SSP burrs and I haven’t seen any complaints yet, I am quite certain they are genuine burrs. The website posted by @Gagaryn seems to be a dealer to retailers, and retailers like BB would not be fooled with counterfeit.
Of course individual buyers should always be cautious and why buying from retailers like BB is probably a smart choice - for a peace of mind
delta76 given df64coffee sells SSP burrs and I haven’t seen any complaints yet, I am quite certain they are genuine burrs.
It was mainly a tongue in cheek comment about what you said, that the chinese can copy pretty much everything. Maybe they can copy the burrs too.
MediumRoastSteam there is a difference between copying the design and faking the products :).
On a serious note - if the grinder will come with SSP burrs fitted from the factory… How will we know they are actually SSP burrs? Will they come with a certificate or something? Is there a marker on them (like on the Mazzer burrs?)
MediumRoastSteam On a serious note - if the grinder will come with SSP burrs fitted from the factory… How will we know they are actually SSP burrs? Will they come with a certificate or something? Is there a marker on them (like on the Mazzer burrs?)
We are the wrong people to ask?
I think if you buy the burrs themselves they come with like a holographic sticker that I’ve seen people put on their grinder, not sure if that’s still a thing.
La Marzocco Linea Mini - Mazzer Philos
Ikawa Roaster
MediumRoastSteam that falls to BB’s responsibility. they are the one who advertises it’s SSP. They should be experienced enough to distinct the actual and fake burr.
As I said it’s one of the reasons to buy from a reputable retailer. You don’t, and should not have to, worry about authenticity of a product.
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Cheers @DavecUK - as a very happy owner of the first series DF64, which is about to turn 3 years old next month, this offer seems too good to miss.
I’ve made a few mods to my DF64 changing the clump crusher and replacing the burrs with Mazzers and will sell it on when the new one arrives.
Does anyone know if this grinder has a split plasma generator - so that might be what’s reducing static?
MediumRoastSteam Not as far as I am aware. The lack of static is remarkable though!
The China manufacturing base is the biggest in the world and the speed and variety and cost at which they can come out with a product are startling…
I have the second year version of the original df64 fitted wirh ssp burrs.and it has been serving me faithfully for almost 2 years now. That and the very wide cost differences and probable minimal improvements any replacements would entail have dissuaded me from replacing it so far.
Excellent - thanks @DavecUK
dutchy101 Whilst my DF64 Solo works very well and I’m very pleased with the grinder I like the thought of not using bellows and I’m very keen on seeing how the SSPs perform.
The SSP HUs often sell second hand around the £100-130, and are regularly put up for sale on eBay and CFUK. You’ll even get them pre-seasoned, and with that coating there’s a low likelihood they’ll get blunt with regular use.
MediumRoastSteam How will we know they are actually SSP burrs? Will they come with a certificate or something? Is there a marker on them (like on the Mazzer burrs?)
Yes they have the logo etched on to the back of them, you’d need to unscrew them to see it though. Not seen any reports of fakes branded as SSPs, seems especially pointless when there’s so many cheaper generic burrs for sale with similar designs to these HUs.
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MediumRoastSteam On a serious note - if the grinder will come with SSP burrs fitted from the factory… How will we know they are actually SSP burrs? Will they come with a certificate or something? Is there a marker on them (like on the Mazzer burrs?)
My guess would be this is going to be extremely unlikely as the manufacturer would realise this is going to immediately kill any deal and ongoing business, Not just with Bella Barista, but their products world wide. What reputable business is going to want to deal with a company that did this….and word gets round surprisingly fast.
DavecUK - Thanks. It makes sense. As we don’t know where this grinder is coming from - it’s not Eureka, or Ceado, or Mazzer, or Niche, etc… It’s just some company in china no one has ever heard of (I myself don’t even know who makes this grinder yet, and hence the concerns), specially if they are fitted at the factory. But my question still stands, and it was answered: Looks like the burrs are indeed marked so it would be possible to check it (although one would need to take them off the carriers).
I know there was a rather expensive single dose grinder manufacturer at one point who advertised their grinders shipped with Mazzer Burrs… Until someone checked and they were actually Mazzer clones.
Can’t be too careful these days.