Thanks, guys. Nut was only hand tightened, so it’s not that. The surfaces were completely dry. Any previous grease was completely gone. The silicone grease i used - FilterLogic CFL651 - seems quite thin…i did take the nut off and put a bit more on….but maybe i need to be even more generous with it!

Re the o ring, that didn’t come out with the nut (so i left it in place). Should i remove it to grease it as well? Also, should i not be doing this procedure when the machine is cold?

    europa - You lubricate when the machine is cold. You do not need to remove the o-ring from the inside of the nut. Things are less noisy when the machine is warm. :-)

    The o ring was not inside the nut… It was stuck to the machine. Hence why I was asking if I should remove it to lubricate it.

      europa - Sorry. I’m getting confused it seems. I’m not sure which o-ring your are referring to then.

      If this o-ring is on the “tap” itself (I don’t remember as I’ve done mine a while back), then just add some grease on the surface as it will touch the ball valve. The ball valve moves against it, so it should be well lubricated.

      Hope this helps, and hope I’m speaking about the right o-ring.

      Sorry, I guess I’m not explaining it very well. I’m referring to the o ring that goes in the groove within the nut. When I remove the nut it doesn’t come out with the nut, but rather stays stuck in the machine…

        europa - Yeah. Sorry, without a picture, I’m finding it hard to picture the o-ring you are referring to. Really sorry. Maybe Someone else could help.

          Check the ends of the spring for roughness / coarse marks from grinding. If rough, carefully rub the ends on an oilstone or a piece of very fine wet & dry paper.

          Any roughness causes the spring to catch and drag = creaking as it moves.

          europa The white O ring plays no part in the creaking noise, it’s simply a seal against leaks (it’s a hard PTFE seal). The part that needs lubricating is the O ring here…if it’s split, the ball of the wand may be rubbing against the metal of the nut. Check it and see if it’s OK. The spring will sit on a metal cup (which itself sits on the ball of the wand) with a large hole in it and that needs to be lubricated as well

          The O ring actually looks out of place…which won’t help

          Remove the cup and spring,slide the nutdown the wand, unscrew the ball joint using the 2 small flats with a spanner taking care not to lose or damage the tiny ‘O’ ring.

          Slide the nut off the wand and carefully remove the (misplaced) ‘O’ ring and check for damage / nicks.

          Wipe out the nut,lubricate and refit ‘O’ ring and reassemble. That spring does look rough on the end.

            Got it. Will give that a go in the morning. Thanks!

            Elcarajillo unscrew the ball joint using the 2 small flats with a spanner

            europa i need a 9mm spanner,

            I personally would not do that. It’s a no burn steam wand, so I’m not sure how that’s done inside, and whether that has threadlock on. It’s a common problem for the steam wand to unscrew itself as you move, so presumably Lelit has secured it.

            If you can, I am don’t remember if you can, I’d slide down the nut to the other end of the wand, remove the steam tip, and see if you can get it out that way instead.

            You can remove it from the bottom but often it is difficult to remove the steam tip (no flats) ?

            I doubt the wand/ ball is thread locked, mine certainly is not.

            The cool wand liner just fits into a recess in the ball joint the same as the steam tip.

              Elcarajillo You can remove it from the bottom but often it is difficult to remove the steam tip

              On the Elizabeth, at least, the steam tip is very easily removable with fingers. no tools required. I remove mine all the time for cleaning. 👍

              I thought about the tip, but didn’t want to risk messing with it. However, i have just tried and, indeed, it unscrewed quite easily. That will be v. useful for cleaning!

              How on earth do you quote another post on here? And @ someone? Can’t figure it out… do you need to be on a computer?