europa Would you guys agree with that?
Pretty much yes….I’ve had other machines where the spring in the wand creaks
europa Would you guys agree with that?
Pretty much yes….I’ve had other machines where the spring in the wand creaks
europa - I would not worry about it. Specially if the machine is cold. I can barely catch a glimpse at the start of your video, for a split second, of the machine being in “eco” mode.
I keep the machine in eco mode and switch on the service boiler at the start of my workflow. Nearly all my drinks are milk based.
But, yes, the noise is not a massive deal. Right now i have bigger problems, namely the OPV issue (which ive only just noticed)!
europa -
😞 - this must be incredibly frustrating. I was reading on the OPV issue thread. So disappointing.
MediumRoastSteam Agreed!
europa - Just as an update, I checked mine. Admittedly it doesn’t creak as much as yours, not when it’s hot at least. But it does make noise, and it’s also depending on how I move the wand too.
Now that I think about it, when I had my Pro-700 it made all these creaking noises and I never thought much of it.
This is all a bit of a puzzle to me.
Ihavetwo Elizabeth’s, both bought from the same supplier in France about 4-6 weeks apart. I use one in UK and one in France.
On the French one the wand moves very easily whether hot or cold and there is no noise or roughness felt while moving it. On the UK one the wand is quite stiff to move but doesn’t creak. No difference whether hot or cold.
I will have a look at the seals and spring on the UK one when I get back in July and see if lubrication will help. The difference is odd as they are both only about 6 months old and have been in use for about 3 months each so far.
Maybe it might be worth asking Lelit for advice. They respond very quickly to queries and usually offer very helpful advice. They might even have a short video on this problem or might make one if they get several queries about it.
Lelit Elizabeth (2) , Eureka Oro Mignon Single Dose, Mignon Mk2 (converted to single dose), Aerolatte Mini grinders(2), cafetières, Bodum K1218 Vacuum
MBdoc If the wand creaks when moving it, it needs lubricating…if you don’t the little O ring tears/abrades badly.
Hi Dave, it doesn’t creak it’s just a bit stiff to move unlike the other one which moves like silk.
Lelit Elizabeth (2) , Eureka Oro Mignon Single Dose, Mignon Mk2 (converted to single dose), Aerolatte Mini grinders(2), cafetières, Bodum K1218 Vacuum
MBdoc Just lubricate it…try first to get some dow corning molykote iii in there with a cocktail stick around the ball, then work it around. Even better simply remove the wand and lube.
I will do this when I get back.
I have some food grade silicone grease from MaxiCoffee here will that be OK or is the Molykote better?
Lelit Elizabeth (2) , Eureka Oro Mignon Single Dose, Mignon Mk2 (converted to single dose), Aerolatte Mini grinders(2), cafetières, Bodum K1218 Vacuum
Food-grade lube should be fine. However, even after lubing, the wand on my Elizabeth has never been super smooth / creak free. I have just learned to live with it.
I will have to hope a bit of grease will improve it.
I am sure it shouldn’t creak unless there is some fault in the components. Have you asked Lilet about this? I have found them very helpful.
Lelit Elizabeth (2) , Eureka Oro Mignon Single Dose, Mignon Mk2 (converted to single dose), Aerolatte Mini grinders(2), cafetières, Bodum K1218 Vacuum