I get it that renewables is not the total answer, but a mixture of them along with nuclear and wave would work.
For me any solar or wind making electricity would help so why not make it law that EVERY new house, flat, commercial building etc built have solar and battery back-up installed as standard. Even if 23 weeks out of 52 or 2 days a week it contributes, that is still a massive help if millions of properties have it. Oh and while we are at it, make Every new builidng have rain capture for flushing thier toilets.
I worked in government building for 22 years and it had rain capture water to flush the loos and it worked a treat.
It seems that people like to put up doors rather than give or even try solutions and like anything be it energy, poverty whatever, if there is a will by governments it CAN be done. The trouble is that whilst polititians of all colours bleat on about the warming of the planet and the cost of energy they are all more worried what the electorate might do if they raise any taxes or come down harder on big business to pay their fare share. Whilst many people say ’yes I would pay an extra tax hike to help the NHS, how many then cried foul when it was suggested to hike NI to help pay for it.
Having said that, it doesn’t help when billions are wasted by those holding the purse strings. I mean, it’s not like they would offer tens of millions to some friend to produce some PPE even though they had never done it and didn’t have a business that could produce it, would they….cough!
There seems to be a lot of knee jerk reactions to things without anyone actually sitting down and looking at it in detail and getting those who are experienced or know, in on the conversation.
As for not giving any more new licsenses for oil or gas drilling…I have no problem with that, as long as what we are already extracting will last long enough or provide enough whilst we transition, the time it takes to build the nuclear power plants, wind farms, wave generators etc we will need? The way large projects in this country go, that is a very pertinant question. Oh, and one other thing… WE should own them, not France or China or any other country. And that goes for our water companies too!