Melitta Aromaboy
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Are you going to experiment brewing on the Aromaboy using the Pegasus one cup cone and their 1 cup filter paper please?
In my case, brewing 18g coffee, with 225g water at 15% 400 Kruve gives a like for like taste with the Hybrid Switch at an average score of 7.5/9.
Interesting find! Many thanks for sharing the results.
Can anyone explain, if methods like the Aromaboy are grind specific. When grinding for espresso a single mark on your grinder can really affect the pour, but is this the case with the Melitta?
MWJB All coffee brewing is grind specific.
While true, plus or minus a full mark won’t make a significant deviation to a grind size reference for a given % of fines under 400 Kruve as an example. This may still fall within a standard deviation, although may improve the taste as a sweet spot. Dry bed time also may not vary much, would it? Thx
LMSC Sure, there may be overlap of % at 400Kruve (I can’t say what proportion of that % would be fines), but “one full mark” isn’t a unit of anything, just a fairly random interval, from grinder to grinder. Looking at what happens at the other end of the distribution will show a bigger difference (but this will be different from one grinder to the next).
I went from 67.5 to 68.5 (so a change of nearly 2%) on my Zero and saw a 1 cup brew and a notable change in taste with the Aromaboy. My Feldgrind is at 28 at an equivalent setting, so one full mark will have a bigger impact with that grinder (4% per mark), my Timemore Nano might be at 17, or 18 (5-6% per mark)?
Dry bed time doesn’t have the resolution to dial in for best taste, only to show a catastrophic error in grind setting.
Whilst I hear everything my 2 learned friends have to say, the question was posed by me who does not have the benefit of Kruve or a Refractometer or delicate tastebuds!
dfk41 The simple answer in my view is a “single mark” shift in grind size from default to current may have a difference in taste, depending on the grinder.
For example, my default grind size for the boy is #17 on the Duo. I am still experimenting and currently on coffee #5, which is sub-average for my taste buds across brew mediums (V60, Switch, espressos) scoring 6/9. The cup from Aromaboy scored 6/9 at #17. I tried brewing at #18 and #16. There was hardly any improvement in taste for this bag leaving the subjective score unchanged.
I won’t know what happens if you brew in your new you.
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Another experiment !
Genuinely surprised how nice the coffee was!
Colombia Finca Monteblanco Cold Wash Nº 271.
The below set up gave a pleasant coffee full of fruity acidity as in nectarine with hints of lemonade finish and after taste.
Brewed the standard 15g dose (not 18g as I would normally on the boy), 225g water, dry bed at 3:15 mins at 15% 400 Kruve (#17 on the Duo), scoring 7/9 than the 6/9 across all brew mediums previously. I used a strainer.
I will grab a V60 01 and see if it would sit on top of the server.
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I have taken the plunge on one of these and am really enjoying the coffee from it - it’s the perfect solution for coffee whilst at work.
I’m going to get a Hario Switch for home use now I am taking a liking to filter coffee. @LMSC and @MWJB - do you use a gooseneck kettle when using the switch - worthy investment or just use standard kettle? What filter papers would you recommend to use? Thanks in advance
Niche Zero
Niche Zero