Do you use filtered water of any kind, or add anything into the tap water to make it more balanced? It’s not something I’ve got into but hear it can make for a better brew. The Sage Precision I use comes with a descaler insert but I haven’t replaced it since having it (something I should probably do quite soon).

  • MWJB replied to this.

    IntoxNitram What are the characteristics of your tap water? Total hardness and alkalinity (both as CaCO3). Your water supplier should be able to give you some info, maybe a full report based on your postcode.

    Different filters do different jobs, so best to ascertain what you need to remove (or not).

      MWJB will check this out, didn’t know it was something I could get information on. Know my Sage does have a filter for this purpose and it should tell me when it needs to be replaced or when I need to descale my machine as far as I can tell - never been told I needed to so would assume I’m okay.