Minima & Niche grind setting questions:
Well a week ago I received my Niche, really got it dialled in for my Moka pot while I was waiting for my Minima to arrive from Italy, it arrived yesterday. Let joy be unconfined. Almost.
I’m using a Santos Double Roast bean and the double basket that came with the Minima. The Santos is a dark roast oily bean. I find I can’t get 18g in it without a lot of spillage but 7g and care works OK. I had bought a 20g VST basket but it was too tall for the Minima naked PF, I’m going to see if I can exchange it for an 18g one.
I thought I’d start with setting the Niche in the middle of the espresso range on the dial, about 15. After 30 seconds I had a teaspoon full of coffer - a bit too fine then. After a number of spoiled cups I ended up on 25 which, with 17g of coffee in gave me 34g out in about 35 seconds. If I dialled it even 24 on the Niche it took 50 seconds to get the same 34g out.
It takes about 5 seconds before coffee appears, and it slowly ramps to 9 to 9.5 bar; temperature is set at 93ºC
So, my questions are:
Any comments on the 17g only in the Minima basket - I guess it depends on the bean?
I’m sure I read on this thread that other people were finding 15 on the Niche was working for them, the Niche came calibrated so I didn’t alter it, is anyone else finding they’re in the 25 range for their espresso?
A change on the Niche from 25 to 24 increased the shot time by 15 seconds, that seems a lot, not really the fine control I was expecting, is that normal?
Thanks in advance for you thoughts and suggestions.