Just ordered my Midnight Black Niche Zero….
Well I've only gone and done it!
Pompeyexile Haha I did exactly this a couple of days ago 👍🏼
Congrats! Exciting times! When is it scheduled to arrive??
…Meanwhile I’ll just keep hoping to find my x54 has morphed into £500 so I can join the Niche club too!
Ernie1 …Meanwhile I’ll just keep hoping to find my x54 has morphed into £500 so I can join the Niche club too!
Hopefully it should arrive in March some Time.
I sold two pieces of my old coffee kit and one new bit to fund most of it, otherwise I couldn’t have afforded one that’s for sure. Unless I have a major windfall, I need to be satisfied with my main set-up for a few years at least, which is now the Sage DB and the Niche. If I can’t make some half decent coffee with that, then I’ll give up.
Ernie1 …Meanwhile I’ll just keep hoping to find my x54 has morphed into £500 so I can join the Niche club too!
Any reason you don’t like your x54? Before ordering the Niche I was considering one as I only ever use 1 type of bean (creature of habit) and only drink espresso based drinks, so wasn’t too fussed about the retention or multiple brew types. I’ve still not ruled it out as Niche is due in March.
For me the Niche ticks all the boxes, especially for someone at my level of coffee competance. Not too big, unlike my Brasilia which was the size and weight of a Fiat 500. Quiet , unlike my old Brasilia which would give Meatloaf (rest his soul) a run for his money. Virtully negligible retention, unlike my Brasilia which held back enough coffee grinds to make a further two drinks and finally, lack of static, unlike my Brasilia which had my hair standing up on end if I got to within 3 feet of it. Oh, and it looks extremely easy to go from Espresso to pour over grind and back again without needing the memory retention of that bloke who got shot on stage in the film The 39 Steps.
I rest my case m’lud.
Will be getting mine in a couple of months I think, still very torn between the black or the white. Think the white looks slightly nicer but the black would match more of my kitchen appliances.
Pompeyexile congratulations mate!!! 🥳🥳🥳If January is anything to go by the time will fly by!
I thought about white initially but like you, black fits with more other appliances as nothing is white. If these were cream, would’ve been perfect haha. Seen a few on eBay with highest at £690 which is so ridiculous, especially as it’s only an 8 week lead time now.
- Edited
I don’t want to sidetrack the thread too much but in short I have a love/hate relationship with the x54. As an on-demand espresso grinder that looks good and gives fantastic results in the cup, it’s ideal. To be fair to it it’s been great for the past month or so.
I just find the adjustment ring too small and firm to make fine adjustments, and that coupled with the enormous amount of purging required when changing brew methods means it doesn’t really work as a ‘do-it-all’ grinder as it’s advertised. So it’s ultimately just a set-it and forget-it grinder of which there are better choices at the price point.
With a time-machine I’d have just kept my Mazzer because it effectively does the same thing but better, or done the smart thing and bought a Niche!!
As ‘she who must be obeyed’ had a say in me getting it, I had to ask her which colour and simply put, we have white kitchen tiles so the black would look better against them. Couldn’t really argue with that.
Pompeyexile 😂 exactly what I did. I zoomed in on the picture enough so she couldn’t see the price though. What colour do you like dear? That one. Of course dear! Your wish is my command!
Baldrick 😂 exactly what I did. I zoomed in on the picture enough so she couldn’t see the price
Love it….
As the joke goes “my worst fear is that when i die my wife sells my hifi/coffee/fishing/DIY/…. kit for what I told her I paid for it”