Last night I managed to upload 3 images, but, this morning, I can’t. The forum reports an “oops. Something went wrong. Please reload the page and try again” in a red banner.
Is anyone having the same?
Last night I managed to upload 3 images, but, this morning, I can’t. The forum reports an “oops. Something went wrong. Please reload the page and try again” in a red banner.
Is anyone having the same?
MediumRoastSteam Nope, but the free hosting might have limits to how fast it can respond. e.g. I find in private messaging ( think it was), it can get a bit odd sometimes, if you do too much too fast.
I am exploring an actual paid hosting option, if you read the T&Cs of free hosting, we might exceed it and I have had extensions and configuration coming out of my ears for the last day or so as I have come to grips with Flarum as a forum. I’d never heard of Flarum 3 days ago.
At the moment my focus is on paid hosting, how cheap can I get it, will it support Flarum and is it worth taking the database in a bag and putting it onto a paid host? Will the 80 extensions I have configured when uploaded (if the host allows it), start working properly with all the values I input, because they are stored in the Flarum database, or do I have to spend 20 hours configuring them all manually again.
Flarum itself is super basic and does little without the extensions e.g. even the Tags/Forum areas is an extension, it doesn’t come with Flarum.
LMSC Please don’t use add an image, that presumes an upload capability to the host, which we don’t have. I can’t make the button go away otherwise I would. We don’t have server side storage, so everything that consumes a lot of space like images or video has to be linked to. This doesn’t matter as we are non-commercial, on the previous forum the owner was desperate to host the images in case the links broke and reduced the monetary value of the forum. I don’t care about that.
I have already loaded an extension which allows direct image linking and display. Plus another extension, media manager, which allows you to drag and drop, or upload images to your “media manager” and use them in posts. The button to the right of the post button in the editor.
When you add an image to media manager, the image is stored as an unlisted image on imgur, unless you have the link. media manager stores the links only to all the images you ever uploaded to imgur, they are not stored on the Flarum servers. When you select an image to place in the post, it simply places the direct image link into the forum.
You could join imgur for free, upload your images there, get a direct link and paste it in the forum…because I also uploaded an extension image links and another to do the same for youtube links. So when you paste them it appears as an image or a little video.
I will add a technical issues/thread/area when people are more familiar with the forum and how to use it….
When I had run my FCA regulated firm, the company site was hosted and managed by a Chennai based web hosting firm. They were reasonable and provided a personalised service.
They leased a server in the EU/UK for data protection reasons.
They did a very good job as my services to institutional and corporate clients were completely web based. This was 8 years ago; the technology and hosting have moved on since then.
If you want, I can share their details. You might speak to them to explore the options, ask all questions and perhaps compare the cost. Thx
Edit : Neither I have commercial interests in their company nor associated with them in any way! 😊
Sorry, I only saw this and have since uploaded an image. Sorry.
MediumRoastSteam Is anyone having the same?
Yes, exactly the same - yesterday was fine, this morning was broken, now fine again
DavecUK MediumRoastSteam Nope, but the free hosting might have limits to how fast it can respond. e.g.
Dave, I think there was a temporary issue with images this morning, but now it’s working again. When it wasn’t working, I tried uploading by dragging into the message, uploading to my media and inserting an image with the button below - all options gave the same Ooops error as MediumRoastSteam described. I even tried another browser and got the same.
By the way - I added a photo now by dragging it into the message, and it also appears in My media, so I think both options do the same thing. (I understand from your message that adding an image with the Add image button is something else, and should be avoided).
I think dragging or adding the image boils down to the same thing, I think: that it will consume storage space and eventually we will exceed the threshold. Sólita best if we like the image from another hosted site, such as Google photos or imgur or whatever is out here. I never used any.
DavecUK - I don’t think I’m following.
Yesterday I added a few images by clicking on the Media Manager button and then choosing upload.
Earlier, about 1.5 hours ago, I use the add image button. All my images are appearing in he media manager. So… can I upload images?