I think Lelit “may” have confused people slightly here….not 100% certain.
In discussions with them over a year ago, I suggested that the machine might be better having:
- a pure coffee mode no steaming, so the temperature in the HX can be exact new position 0
- Steam Boost mode, which is like the old system of steam boost (the old position 1)
This meant loosing the pure uncontrolled HX mode. The main reason was because I never used it and really couldn’t see why anyone would use it unless they were buying an HX machine for a different use scenario than MaraX was intended for. Mauro liked this idea and I believe may well have implemented it with the new model.
Ideally of course a 3 position side switch or a second switch would have been nice to have Xmode Coffee, steam boost and pure HX. I wasn’t sure the software was capable of that.
The Idea was that Xmode coffee was for the none steamed milk drinker, if someone wanted milk you could switch it into “Coffee Boost Mode”, which I think they have called Xmode steam.
So to summarise for the new machine, I think:
Xmode Coffee (Position 0) - This is like the single boiler PID controlled machines giving you 3 very stable temperatures (I-0-II), minimal chance of overheating, no steam boosting, you can go back to the machine after 4 minutes or 8 minutes and it’s at the right temp.
Xmode Steam (Position 1) - The old steam boost we all know and love, and used to be position 1 on the old machine. HX mode in position 0 having gone the way of the ark.
The clues are here

I believe the confusion is here

I’m waiting to hear back and will let you know. If I am right, they simply need to reword the user guide slightly.