- Edited
So I’ve picked up a vacuum packing set of bags and pump and I am about to dip my toe into the world of vacuum packing. (I also have about 2kgs of beans in the freezer).
I have a couple of questions for those who do this regularly if you don’t mind.
1 - I like to alternate my beans and use them in 250g batches each time (stored in an Airscape or Coffeevac container) I tend to get through 250g in about 10 - 12 days. At a rough guess, it might take me up to 3 months to finish the last of this latest kilo. Would it stay fresh vaccum sealed for this long?
2 - Is vacuum packing and then freezing a bad idea / pointless exercise if the beans won’t stay fresh for 3 months?
3 - How do people store the beans once vacuum packed? Dark cool place?
4 - (Perhaps the most stupid question) the bags that came with my vaccum packing set are of various sizes. The smallest fits 250g and there are 4 bags of this size, which is perfect for me. Presumably since the beans and bags will be vacuum packed, there’s no problem putting 250g in the larger bags - or should I look to get more of the smaller bags?
5 - Do you vacuum pack beans as soon as you receive them from the roaster, or do you let them rest first?