This will be the one and only time I will post in this thread as I DO NOT like cats. Forever having to clean up a lot of cat poo in my garden and one time getting it in my mouth has probably got a lot to do with it. As for dogs…too expensive (food, vets bills, insurance) and too tying. Plus they die and you are very sad. Or, you die first and are not found for a week and if the cat is in the house, it will eat your face off…ungrateful B******s!

Sorry all you dog and cat lovers out there.

    Pompeyexile This will be the one and only time I will post in this thread as I DO NOT like cats. Forever having to clean up a lot of cat poo in my garden

    My cat only goes outside on a lead…cos he has 3 legs, my previous cat was blind and also only went out on a lead….you would like them.

      5 months later


      DavecUK My cat only goes outside on a lead…cos he has 3 legs, my previous cat was blind and also only went out on a lead….you would like them.

      Has he lost his 4th leg due to an accident?

      May I introduce our desktop cat? She is called “Félix”, despite the fact that she is female, now aged 13. Her mother was a European Wildcat and her father was the neighbour’s white Tom cat. Then we lived in the Jura Mountains in Switzerland, next to the French border.

      In her younger years she tried to help me typing:

      Later, grown up, she still prefers my desk:

      The freshly carpeted staircase in our new home also seems to be quite attractive:



        AlbertR Has he lost his 4th leg due to an accident?

        He was chewed up what I think must have been a dog attack…because of his reaction when he hears dogs barking. He was a stray and found by the RSPCA. His leg was almost off and they were going to put him down, because of the infection, he responded to antibiotics, so they removed the leg and shoulder.

        Then his pelvis was crushed, tail crushed and damaged internally, they still considered putting him down, but again he survived. His tail can move slightly, he has trouble going to the toilet for number 2s and his digestion isn’t good, he is sick once or twice a week., sometimes he can go 10-14 days without being sick.

        He is a very good cat though and my faithful little buddy, I am happy to look after him the best I can.

          DavecUK He is a very good cat though and my faithful little buddy, I am happy to look after him the best I can.

          I am impressed that someone would care for a cat rescued by the RSPCA in this way. However, I think he is severely traumatised by his experiences.

          Thank you for sharing your commitment to cats with us.

          The story with your cat reminds me of very similar experiences with our cats in the past. They were mostly affected by accidents, and at least managed to survive for a few years. Felix only had to survive a complicated fracture of her foot bone.


          Here’s an example of a brave & adventurous cat:

          Walking on a sill on top of a former tavern, now converted to our living room and office.

          2 months later

          tompoland I always thought they looked like very powerful animals. As dangerous as oatrichi by the sound of it.

          Both Chihuahua crosses. The first with a Jack Russell and the second with a Yorkshire terrier.

          a year later

          This is Mishca - she’s a Russian Blue. When I sit at the computer she will jump on to my lap and when she thinks the time is right, crawl on to my shoulder - her prefered place to nap. Note the murder mittens are extended but she is a softy.

            Cool, i never saw this thread before.

            So this is our cat, ( no name) basically he adopted us ( me and my wife), he pop up a night in our courtyard 4 years ago, and since then step by step he got confidence and now is living with us, in and out from home not really a domestic cat, some night he sleep somewhere, some night in home.

            Systemic When I sit at the computer she will jump on to my lap

            Cats seem to love the office environment. Here is “la Félix” (a female cat bearing a male name) sitting on my office’s window sill:

            I have to admit the the colour of the background pasture & woods has changed a little – the photo was taken 3 months ago.



            That’s a great view you’ve got there.

            Our lazy greyhound, he loves cats!

            9 months later

            Not the best news, but since i previously posted here about my beloved cat, i’m now to say that he passed away. Damn, i never expect to become so emotional after his demise.

            I will let pass time before to think to get another pet, that in case will be always a cat.