hedonist222 Honestly - the e37sd has been consistent
weigh-wise and grind consistency.
If you grind three doses and collect the first third, second third, and final third from each you’ll probably see very different shot times. Even collecting the first and half and second half from two doses should reveal differences in grind consistency evident in different shot times and pours. Tamping level is guaranteed with the tamper but you still need to get the coffee even in the basket to start with. Even though the E37sd will suffer the same problem as all other single dosing grinders to one extent or another I wouldn’t expect it to be the cause of bad shots by itself.
The shot doesn’t start out ok to my eyes, and those blanks from 20 seconds onwards probably wouldn’t be anything to worry about if the shot were to start evenly and come together in a single stream quickly. Maybe check to be sure the machine is level too, it’s a simple check to perform to avoid unnecessary and endless faffing with distribution and wdt.