
Pretty much my setup but I have a Classic Pro.

Have you modified yours at all?

@“DavecUK” yes, it’s amazing! My first attempt at a Cortado. An aero bar would go well with it 😉

@“Dusk” do you have the Sage Smart Grinder Pro too? It’s taken a bit of work to get it dialled in right. Still not sure it’s how I want it. What settings do you have set to?
I have only just got the Gaggia and it was someone on this forum who sold it to me! He very kindly set the pressure to 9 bar. I want to add a PID and dimmer mod, but will save up for those 😬 shades of coffee will be releasing a pressure gauge and dimmer mod along with their PID kit and topbox so I’d love to go for that! My wife just doesn’t want me spending all our money at once 🤣 also probably best for me to get the hang of the Gaggia on its own before adding too much.
Have you modded yours? Would be very grateful for any tips!

  • Dusk replied to this.


    Yes I’ve got a Smart Grinder Pro, I wasn’t sure about getting it after reading lots of reviews but as it was £150 brand new I couldn’t turn it down. I single dose so only set the grind level and ignore the timer. It has a bit of retention which is about the only issue I have with it. I think I have my grind setting at about 16 so still have a lot of room to adjust (medium roast beans about a month old).

    I’ve not done a great deal to the Classic as it’s still under warranty. It’s got a 9 bar OPV spring, slim drip tray, “the one” steam tip and IMS basket. PID is definitely on the cards next.

      Dusk Wow, setting 16!! Have you changed the burr setting inside from the standard 6?

      I have changed mine to a 4 on the inside and have the setting at a 9 for it to do 18g in, 36 out in 30 seconds.

      • Dusk replied to this.


        I just checked today and it was on 4, I go for closer to 3:1 ratio which would account for my setting being higher.

        I’ve just bought a Knock Aergrind so I’m interested to see the difference between them as they have the same size conical burrs (I think..).