Just ordered a kg of the HONDURAS FIALLOS 👍

steve_07 thanks. I drink a flat white in the morning then espresso or short blacks later in the day so might order less then to try in milk and if not great keep for non milk and try something else for the flat whites then.

Anyone tried their decaf? Need some for wifey, had Blackcat Colombian decaf last time which I rather enjoyed by the end.

I’ll have to check my decaf, I got some from them a while back that I really enjoyed but not sure it’s the same stuff.

  • Tal replied to this.


    Just looked but it was a different decaf, something like Argelia. I don’t drink much decaf so it’s probably older than I should care to admit!

    I am currently really enjoying their Aquiares (not decaf)

    • Tal likes this.

    I have that one in my basket currently actually. Will order it along with the decaf I think. I want to try more, but I’ve a kg in the freezer as it is!

    Ordered a kg of each the Costa Rican and the Colombian decaf. Thanks for the code!

    a month later

    Enjoyed the Costa Rican one, brewed as Espresso it was tasty, not overwhelmingly powerful in any way, wife wasn’t as keen as I was! Made a nice filter brew too, again, not overly powerful in any way.

    The Colombian decaf tastes pretty good in an immersion brew, i.e Aeropress, but it would always stall a V60, tried about 6 500ml brews in a row getting ever more coarse on my Ode Gen2, think I ended up at 8:1 and was still stalling so gave up trying.

    Just ordered a kg each of the Ethiopian Udesa and Uganda Busingo, not sure how well these Naturals will go down with the Wife, we usually stick to Washed coffees!..

    #NEWNATURALS30 from the Bank Hol weekend works still.

    • MWJB replied to this.

      Tal The Colombian decaf tastes pretty good in an immersion brew, i.e Aeropress, but it would always stall a V60, tried about 6 500ml brews in a row getting ever more coarse on my Ode Gen2, think I ended up at 8:1 and was still stalling so gave up trying.

      Can you describe precisely what you mean by ‘stalling’ or a video?

      Past ‘8’ seems very coarse indeed (don’t Fellow suggest around 4 for mid filter grind?), so it’s difficult to imagine how a change of coffee alone could cause such an issue.

      • Tal replied to this.


        By stalling I mean that the flow stalls, the bed looks muddy, like excessive fines, from memory this was at around 2mins 30min. And the flow drops to a very slow drip from then. Maybe 75% of the water has gone through by that point. I have left them for 5mins or so, then I bin it.

        I normally brew v60 between 3 and 5 on the Gen2 Ode, that seems to be where I am most of the time roughly aiming for a 3min 30s total time as a starter. I use the James Hoffman 2 cup recipe,


        30g of coffee, 64ml of water to bloom, swirl to wet all grounds

        00:45 top up to 300g of total water

        1:15 add the rest, topping up as the level drops.

        Stir with spoon

        Then when level drops enough. Give it a swirl to settle the bed.

        Wait for it to drip. Total time approx. 3min30

        I’m sure the method isn’t to everyone’s taste. But I’ve been using it to baseline everything. I am using Hario untabbed filters at the moment. Using the same method and a more normal grind of 3 to 5 on the Gen2, I can brew other coffees no problem. But for some reason this coffee just seems to create a lot of fines and blocks flow.