DavecUK Thanks for the detailed reply DavecUK (BTW, I’m using your advanced parameters for the Elizabeth; thanks!).
I wonder what could cause an issue like this, then? Could it be a temperature thing? That is, the first shot might be hotter (if I haven’t done a purge, which I often don’t), then subsequent ones in somewhat rapid succession are a little cooler, etc. Would this make the pressure behave in this way?
My understanding of the OPV is that it sets an upper limit on the pressure, and that it should never rise above this if the OPV is working correctly. Of course, that’s only the pressure at the OPV itself, which is not directly what the pressure gauge is reading (pump pressure?). So, if the OPV is not the problem, then it could be the gauge I guess, or it could be that somehow the pressure in the system where the gauge is reading is higher than the OPV in some strange, consistent-ish way.
Anyone else having similar behavior?