Morning all, I noticed this morning that I have the exact same thing happen! Preheated for about 40 mins, purged for 3-5 seconds out of the hot water tap, waited a minute or 2, puled a shot with a 10 second preinfusion at 2 bar, after the 10 seconds it shot up to 10-10.5 bar before dropping back to 8.5.
Subsequent shots only reached 8.5 bar after PI (I did another 2, one for my wife, the other for ‘science’, aka my second double before 0700 what could go wrong).
The strange thing is, the timings were all exaclty the same, 16g in, 33 out in 33 seconds. I’m wondering if it’s more of an issue with the display then with the valve?
I’ve possibly got some friends coming over tomorrow for a pre/post run brew so if I do more then 3 shots I’ll pay close attention to the needle and report back…