• Grinders
  • Grinder Upgrade Suggestions? (But need compact form)

dfk41 then how much of this flat v conical debate is actually true?

I’ll never know until I try it myself. 😊 one day…

Just because someone is a super taster, it doesn’t mean He/she can taste, like or perceive the same flavours.

tompoland I appreciate that matey, but, how many of us really have the taste buds to discern these differences? Some will of course but if I was a betting man, I would suggest the number that can really appreciate the differences are far fewer than those who cannot.
If I give my wife a cup of tea and have stirred her cup after mine with a sweetener, she can tell!

    Respectfully disagree good sir.

    Pretty much every guest here can detect the difference between two very different burr sets.

    But that’s for espresso and maybe you are referring to milk drinks in which case I’d agree 100%.

    dfk41 I appreciate that matey, but, how many of us really have the taste buds to discern these differences

    I’m not picking on you, honestly. But almost everything you write I tend to disagree with! 🤣

    I appreciate that generally speaking, you have a point. But the point that I’m trying to make here - and maybe so is Tom - is that it’s not about the general public, but about us as individuals. About our individual taste buds.I have a Niche and an Elizabeth, and I’m happy with that. I could upgrade my equipment, I thought about it, but then I try it and I see that, for me at least, there’s little value. I tend to drink light roasts mostly, but I do drink medium/dark sometimes - e.g.: currently drinking Coffee Compass stuff, alternated with more funky stuff.

    It might be I would be even happier with an Evo and a Lagom P64… But I don’t know, because I haven’t tried that particular combo.

    However, saying that, I have a friend who had an ECM Synchronika and a Niche. He then bought a Monolith Flat 83 Max, and swears by it. He then went further and bought an LMLM, and is as happy as pig in mud.

    If he thinks (or whoever else) that this tastes better than a lesser setup, that’s great for him. It might not be the same for you and me, who cannot taste the difference (maybe in my case, as I never tried it side by side), but certainly not for others.

    Some swear blindly that the best coffee in the world comes from a La Pavoni. I tried it. It’s nice, but I think the Elizabeth does a much better job. For me at least. 😀

    It’s all relative and personal. Enjoy the coffee!

      I personally believe the grinder debate is much like the preferred colour of car, type of shoes etc.. There is no right answer.

      One thing seems to be a common feature, the more people pay, the more satisfied they seem to be. This seems to apply to conicals and flats, where I first heard the expression (recently) conicals that taste like flats…

      MediumRoastSteam haha…..no worries on not agreeing with me matey. Firstly, if you are drinking coffee without milk, then yes, the taste differences will be apparent. If you take milk in your drink, then I think it will not be apparent. I am going to do a poll if I can work out how to do it to see if those who reply take more milk based than not….be interesting

      Funny old topic! I started with the eureka specialita, sold that then and bought a niche zero which has been resting since I bought a second hand Mazzer major a few months back. I was convinced I could tell the difference between flat and conical (preferring flat). I was put on the spot yesterday by herself asking what I’m going to do with the niche as it’s sitting in the corner- I don’t think I can sell it!! It’s just so good all round, as many many others have confirmed here and elsewhere. I would take the specialita back no problem but I will hold the Mazzer as long as I can and have the itch to take out the niche very soon. It is such a joy to use as well as everything else. I wonder if I could tell the difference at this stage. I think one needs to use a few different grinders to know the important boxes that need ticking and that’s if time/finances allow this! Hopefully I can keep both, I’ll be happy enough with either but of course the Mazzer takes up a lot lot more space

      Edit:forgot to mention diminishing returns!

        JahLaza funny you mention that “don’t think I could sell it” re the Niche. I did sell mine and then missed it so much I bought another one.

        BTW, what are model Mazzer did you buy?

          JahLaza I think it was the Major that was used in a titan challenge on home barista. one of the best flat burr grinders around apparently. You’ve got one of the best of each flat/concical.

          Maybe if you wife mentions that you have a spare grinder again, you can tell her that it’s not really an extra grinder but rather that you are short of one espresso machine?

          Pretty sure that she would instantlly see the wisdom in that. 😀

            tompoland haha, yes, I’m sure that would do the trick! Luckily she likes coffee too so there’s a small bit of acceptance..