First Night With My Niche Girlfriend (and a couple of questions)
MediumRoastSteam And it’s exactly 3mm thick
Mine is 3.1mm thick, might not be much but the extra thicknes and 0.3mm smaller hole may make all the difference, I remember once I used a different 3d printed design for the disc and found that to be a lot slower and inconsistant, I wonder if we have any other genuine variants out there
JHCCoffee Thank-you Ken, for taking the time and trouble to provide these files, pics and measurements for all of u! Very kind of you.
I just tried a grind with no disk. I’m not enamored with the extent of pop-corning. I also noticed some bean fragments that are staying in the hopper (that were pop-corned out of the burrs). So, I just sent out your 3D files to a 3D printing service. I am awaiting a quote, but as the cost is likely to be low, I will give them the go ahead. No harm in trying this out. Stay tuned.
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JHCCoffee I just tried a grind with no disk. I’m not enamored with the extent of pop-corning.
you can put a lid of some kind on top of the beans if you don’t want to pop corn.
Some people use a jelly bean tin lid. I use a Nutella jar lid.
Going back to the original post, is there a reason you’re only dosing 16g in an 18g basket? And is this what you did with the previous grinder?
Typically (but not exclusively true) under-dosing or over-dosing by that much can cause unusual extractions… caused by either too much water filling the headroom above the puck, or the screen fracturing it.
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Free Modified NZ Disks (if you want them)
Just made an arrangement to have the modified NZ disk (that @ken0062 is using) to be 3D printed. Their minimum order is $50 Cdn, which means that they will be printing 8 disks. I need 2 for my city NZ (1 + a spare) and 2 for the NZ that I will be buying for my cottage setup (to replace my Baratza Sette 270).
So, as a thank-you to those on this Forum who have been most helpful to me (especially MediumRoastSteam, @Rob1 , @CoyoteOldMan, @Cuprajake, @DavecUK, @LMSC, @tompoland and anyone else that I apologetically missed), and of course @ken0062 (who came up with the idea), I would be pleased to mail 4 of these across the pond, to whoever would receive the envelope and then take it on themselves to distribute to other interested Forum members. If you are interested.
Let me know, by PMing me at julian dot colman1 at g mail dot com.
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Ernie1 Going back to the original post, is there a reason you’re only dosing 16g in an 18g basket? And is this what you did with the previous grinder?
I’ve been dosing 16.5g of decaf in the 18.0 gram IMS basket. This was based upon an earlier suggestion by one of the Forum members to allow 1 to 1.5 g for headroom, especially for decaf beans that are roasted to a medium-dark roast (say City Roast). Any feedback is welcome, as I am still not getting the mouth feel and strength, but also taste and complexity - I want both - that I desire. Any suggestions are welcome.
ken0062 just a thought, before forking out that much why don’t you just dress your existing NFC with a file to make the hole slightly larger, still be cheaper to buy a new one if does not work out
Thanks for the thought. However I don’t think I’d be able to file or drill it to a sufficiently precise or even or smooth diameter. And I’d never know whether it was the new disk design that caused a less than expected result, or just my bad filling/drilling.
I suspect that I will like the happy medium that a larger notch will offer, so I guess I’ll just take the risk.
And if I don’t like it, I’ll pass these disks on to other Forum members (or others) to try out, as I suspect that other folks may wish to test it out.
I work by the principle of: “what goes around comes around”. Happy to gift small items to Forum members, as the advice I’ve been getting has been most valuable.
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I’ve not tried decaf so sadly can’t confidently offer any tips. It might be worth seeing what the results are with 18 or 19g in the same basket and perhaps closer to a 1:2 ratio. However, assuming decaf behaves in a similar way, updosing can have the same results as grinding a little finer. For example if I notice my extractions quickening slightly as a bean rests, I’ll updose by a quarter gram to compensate rather than adjust the grind setting.
You’ll definitely need to grind very fine, but it would be interesting to see if it gets you closer to the taste/mouthfeel you’re aiming for.
Pringles lids are easily adapted for a DIY disc. I used one before my proper disc arrived.