Give the lid a few lift drops at the end of the grind
Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -
Give the lid a few lift drops at the end of the grind
Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -
JHCCoffee - I got bored of the disk, so decided to remove it. No doubt I’ll install it again at some point. It does give you a slight difference in flavour. To me, the disk brings more clarity, at the expense of mouthfeel.
MediumRoastSteam disk brings more clarity, at the expense of mouthfeel.
I don’t obviously have a niche. Why should a disk make a difference in the cup?
LMSC - it’s to do with the even flow rate of beans being ground and the uniformity of the grind when the disk is installed, and thus resulting in having to grind finer. Without the disk, there’s a wider distribution.
At least that’s my understanding. 👍
MediumRoastSteam I thought it’s for mainly pop corning. Interesting what it does to the grind, distribution and the cup. Thx
LMSC It’s for both preventing popcorning and improving grind consistency according to the website
JHCCoffee Matey you don’t have to over-think these things 🤦♂️😂
If the hole on the disk is too small for you then remove it. The Niche isn’t a quick grinder and it wasn’t designed to be.
whinmoor85 Matey you don’t have to over-think these things 🤦♂️😂
If the hole on the disk is too small for you then remove it. The Niche isn’t a quick grinder and it wasn’t designed to be.
One of the things I like about this espresso hobby is it’s challenges and the need to analyze / think about things. I am an analyst by profession, so this aspect resonates with me.
I am sure that you were well meaning, but please do be more respectful in your choice of words and emoticons when responding to posts. Everyone has their own perspectives and preferences. This forum is quite respectful of this. Everyone seems to be on this forum to be helpful (as distinct from critical), which is why I like this “worlds most friendly” forum, relative to others. Enough said.
I am pursuing an in between solution by 3D printing a disk with a larger diameter hole. If that does the over thought trick for me, I will let this forum know.
only thing id say with the bigger hole is watch for beans getting stuck under the disc, only had it twice with some giant beans
Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -
I’d try without the disk first. If that’s not significantly quicker then a disc with a bigger hole won’t either.
JHCCoffee Question: What filament, resin, etc could/should I specify? Or do I just upload the file and set the machine to work?
Never used a 3d print service before but made mine out of PETG filament, only other thing you may need to specify is 100% infill, I’m afraid my 3d printer has not been set up for a while otherwise I could have bunged you one in the post.
Like others have said I would definetly give it a go without the disc and see how you get on.
I have posted a couple of dimensions of the NFC disc i was sent below if anyone fancies comparing it to theirs just to see if there has been any changes since the original ones where sent out
What’s the second measurement?
How deep the cut out is
Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -
MediumRoastSteam What’s the second measurement?
Second measurement is from the back of the cut out to what I judge to be the centre of the bolt hole 7.68mm,that is the only way I could see to judging the depth of the cut out
And diameter of disc is 39.9mm
MediumRoastSteam And it’s exactly 3mm thick
Mine is 3.1mm thick, might not be much but the extra thicknes and 0.3mm smaller hole may make all the difference, I remember once I used a different 3d printed design for the disc and found that to be a lot slower and inconsistant, I wonder if we have any other genuine variants out there
JHCCoffee Thank-you Ken, for taking the time and trouble to provide these files, pics and measurements for all of u! Very kind of you.
I just tried a grind with no disk. I’m not enamored with the extent of pop-corning. I also noticed some bean fragments that are staying in the hopper (that were pop-corned out of the burrs). So, I just sent out your 3D files to a 3D printing service. I am awaiting a quote, but as the cost is likely to be low, I will give them the go ahead. No harm in trying this out. Stay tuned.
JHCCoffee I just tried a grind with no disk. I’m not enamored with the extent of pop-corning.
you can put a lid of some kind on top of the beans if you don’t want to pop corn.
Some people use a jelly bean tin lid. I use a Nutella jar lid.