PortafilterProcrastinator Will you listen to anything that isn’t auto-tuned, or do you have particular genres?
I like all music, the problem is after autotune became increasingly prevalent after the mid 90s, I found myself listening to les and less…I couldn’t initially work out why, then I discovered autotune and then Melodyne, There has been pitch correction for a very long time, right back to the tape and splice days with multiple takes…this isn ’t a problem. Autotune is a massive problem as is hand dragged pure digital pitch correction. It changes the voice, looses all human character, and they all sound like singing Kazoos.
If it isn’t autotuned…I’ll listen to it, I’m pragmatic. Just the same as when I go to buy a pair of Trainers, or shoes…I don’t ask to look at various styles…I ask the shop assistant, what trainers have you got in size 12…they give me a puzzled look as if im an idiot, but come back with 2 or 3 pairs of trainers, which are the only 3 styles in size 12.
What’s getting really irritating is the production companies, in their “wisdom”, have gone back and autotuned Bowie, Freddie Mercury, Simon and garfunkle etc.. to make it “better”. I’m quite passionate about the companies stopping using it….as they are robbing generations of appreciating how voices can, and should sound.
If you’re interested, there is a great YouTube channel here, Fil does some great videos covering music, playing, performance and more recently autotune/pitch correction.